Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Do We Need Present Day Nuremberg Trials?

“The Nuremberg trials were a series of trials held between 1945 and 1949 in which the Allies prosecuted German military leaders, political officials, industrialists, and financiers for crimes they had committed during World War II.”

Endless wars are being perpetrated today, yet the crimes of the perpetrators go unpunished. Numerous countries are invaded, decimated and destroyed. Millions of people are dead, millions are in refugee camps and millions of dollars are being made in blood soaked profits from the carnage created by this ‘industry of death.’
Pope Francis decries the arms trade as the “industry of death”

One wonders what kinds of sick and perverted minds can invent, produce and hold arms bazaars around the world to promote and praise their hellish products.
Should we call these “business men” and governments, “the ghouls of the earth?”  Though some politicians and establishment types say their killing business, oops I mean weapons business “creates jobs.” These types of ‘jobs’ are surely a sign of societal decay and, Pope Francis was right on the mark, when he called the “arms trade” the ‘industry of death’

Almost daily on the TV news one can see huge numbers of terrified and distraught men, women and children fleeing for their lives. Some of them are trying to escape from ISIS, which according to numerous reports (not in the corporate monopoly media) but, from other sources that “Western governments” are allied with terrorist groups.

“A declassified secret US government document obtained by the conservative public interest law firm, Judicial Watch, shows that Western governments deliberately allied with al-Qaeda and other Islamist extremist groups to topple Syrian dictator Bashir al-Assad.”

Now Syria just like Iraq and Libya are hellholes of destruction, killing and slaughter all brought about by the “democratic west” in conjunction with terrorist allies.
The deadly fallout from all these wars is, millions of refugees, hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians dead, maimed or contaminated by depleted uranium. Their homes decimated, destroyed and reduced to smouldering rubble. Thousands of soldiers dead or dying and having to fight for their veterans benefits, their families and children traumatized and some children parentless. They too are victims of this institutionalized evil that rules over us in what is called a supposed “democracy.” Is that not a sick joke? Wars planned in secret by the unaccountable some with an agenda of regime change.

And there is other evidence that these western governments along with their “friendly dictators” also plotted and planned regime change and other wars in various countries.
The Covert Origins of ISIS
“General Wesley Clark: Wars Were Planned - Seven Countries In Five Years”
Phone Tap: US Asst Sec. State Nuland Scheming in Ukraine with Ambassador Pyatt....

US Vice-President Joe Biden Blames Washington’s Middle East Allies for Financing ISIS
Army chiefs tell Government: stop Gulf states funding terrorism

As can be seen by the links above hell on earth is being created by well dressed war criminals, and their victims are everywhere.

Unfortunately much of the evidence regarding these “respectable” war criminals is mostly suppressed by the corporate monopoly media. Many of them spread propaganda in favour of these malevolent villains and help them get re-elected as “saviours” of “democracy.” Such is the rotten state of the world today.

"[I]n such a world of conflict, a world of victims and executioners, it is the job of
thinking people, not to be on the side of the executioners." – Albert Camus

I believe the ‘executioners’ are ruling over us. Some even get re-elected, others hope to get re-elected on the backs of the slaughtered, dead and dying in various countries. Where, they not only caused the wars and civil wars by helping, financing and arming the terrorists. I also believe the blood of innocent millions stains the hands of these depraved war criminals.  Who have the gall and hypocrisy to talk about the rule of law, human rights and democracy, while at the same time they themselves are the creators of hell on earth.  Therefore, I ask this question: Will nobody arrest these war criminals? Or are gangsters in control?

 I also ask based on the evidence available: Do we need present day Nuremberg trials?

Stephen J. Gray
May 26 2015.

Articles of interest at links below:

Friday, May 22, 2015

Will Nobody Arrest the War Criminals? Or Are Gangsters in Control?

There is abundant evidence that the so-called “democratic system” of law and order has failed.  War criminals and gangsters appear to be in control, [1] [2] none of the perpetrators of these heinous war crimes or financial crimes goes to jail. Instead they parade and posture from the world stage that has become a platform for evil doing. One could also call their depredations the modus operandi of a monstrous evil. [3]

This powerful evil gang is responsible for the deaths of thousands of innocent men, women and children. Millions of refugees, cities and homes decimated and destroyed, and they have even been known to help out the “enemy” in their bombing raids. [4]

Yet, most of the so-called “investigative media” are strangely silent on all this treachery and treason by powerful people in positions of power. Even though there is abundant evidence that these war criminals are funding, arming and training the bloodthirsty enemy. [5] Which raises the question: Are most of the corporate monopoly media too busy pushing propaganda.

“The effective propagandist must be a master of the art of speech, of writing, of journalism, of the poster and of the leaflet. He must have the gift to use the major methods of influencing public opinion such as the press, film and radio to serve his ideas and goals, above all in an age of advancing technology.” - Joseph Goebbles

And some governments even help sell the latest war weapons and technology to the biggest be-headers on the planet who have reportedly helped finance, arm and train the “enemy” they are supposed to be fighting. Yet, they are supposedly our “allies.” [6] [6a] [6b]

Meanwhile, laws are being passed to save us from terrorists, while our “leaders” are hand in glove with “allies” who are reportedly funding terrorists. [7]

“Our allies are up to their necks in complicity with terrorism, but as long as there is money to be made and weapons to sell, our rulers’ lips will remain stubbornly sealed.” Owen Jones, the Guardian, U.K. August 31, 2014.

There is an old saying, “Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practise to deceive.” I believe not only are we being deceived by our so-called “leaders,” I also believe we are seeing dangerous hypocrites hiding the truth of their abominable actions. Why else would they support “allies” who are treacherous and treasonous?  Millions of the peoples’ tax dollars are being spent bombing countries around the world, and the end result is civil wars and chaos. The victims of these well dressed war criminals are everywhere. [8]
Which raises the question will we eventually reap the evil that our “leaders” are sowing? [9] I sincerely hope not. But, I believe these well dressed war criminals and untouchable gangsters are not only helping the enemy but, also are creating enemies.

“You cannot go out and bomb people and not expect that the survivors aren’t going to retaliate. And one of the ways people retaliate against powerful armies is by initiating terrorist strikes against their citizens.” Jacob G. Hornberger, September 17, 2014.

Stephen J. Gray
May 22, 2015.


Articles of Interest at links below:

The Covert Origins of ISIS
“General Wesley Clark: Wars Were Planned - Seven Countries In Five Years”

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Could a Democracy Become a Dictatorship?

“Bill C-51, the anti-terrorism bill, passed third reading in the House of Commons last night as Conservative and Liberal MPs voted in favour of the bill, leaving only the NDP and Green opposed. It now heads to the Senate, which has already conducted most of its hearings on the bill. Those hearings – which have included Canadian Privacy Commissioner Daniel Therrien – have been better than the embarrassing Public Safety and National Security review (hearing by the numbers, witnesses, and clause-by-clause review), yet the outcome is almost sure to be the same. Bill C-51 is on a legislative fast track and Conservative Senators are incredibly unlikely to require amendments that would send the bill back to the House.” Michael Geist, May 7, 2015.

Is anyone really surprised that the Harper government has bulldozed Bill C-51 through parliament and that the Liberals voted with the Harper government? That old saying “Liberal, Tory same old story” is surely a truism. I believe what we are seeing in this country is a descent into a dictatorship. There is an old saying, “by their actions you will know them,” and that surely holds true of the Stephen Harper government. Anybody following the actions of Mr. Harper over the last number of years might surely ask, is he a danger to democracy? And does a mini-dictator rule Canada?

Mr. Harper also consorts with, and forms a “strategic partnership” with, the dictatorship in Communist China, a land that has been known to use slave labour and has exported poisoned goods, a land where many workers have committed suicide due to the bad working conditions and where women are coerced into forced abortions and people have been tortured for showing dissent.

Stephen Harper also helps sell arms to the Saudi dictatorship, the biggest be-headers in the world, and a country that reportedly funds terrorists. Therefore, one has to ask, is he a hypocrite on terrorism?

Surely this should make any thinking person ask, does Stephen Harper have questionable allies?  Yet, Mr. Harper says not a word about these treacherous “allies.” But instead joins a coalition that funds, arms and trains terrorists they are supposed to be fighting.

But don’t expect the corporate monopoly media to expose all the hypocrisy of this political “warrior.” They all endorsed him in the last election, and some of them have become propaganda pushers for Mr. Harper.

Still, one journalist and author did say this:
“Like all marketers, however, Harper doesn’t care about facts — just making the sale. It’s high time the journalism business started feeding this government back its record of deceit and dishonesty — and holding Harper to account.”
Michael Harris. ipolitics. Dec.11, 2014

“Accountability” was a word Mr. Harper liked to use; instead, we are seeing more and more hypocrisy from this so-called “conservative” government.  A former Conservative M.P had this to say about the Harper government:
“I barely recognize ourselves, and worse I fear that we have morphed into what we once mocked.” Former Conservative MP Brent Rathgeber   

The above information are some examples of the hypocrisy that emanates from the Harper Government.  This is a government that prorogued Parliament a number of times, has passed omnibus bills with little debate, and announces changes to old age security in Davos to a gathering of the world’s elite before discussing it in the Canadian parliament. Still, this is “democracy” in Harperland!

There are also his secretive, so-called, “free trade deals” that could result in loss of national sovereignty for Canada:

But hey, Mr. Harper is on record as saying, “You won’t recognize Canada when I get through with it.”

Therefore, as I said earlier, nobody should really be surprised at the tactics of the Harper government on Bill C-51. It is just a continuation of the contempt I believe this man and his bootlickers in government have for democracy, the parliamentary system, and innocent human life. Not too long ago we had 491 babies born alive after failed killings by abortionists in Canada. They were then left to die. Were these not crimes of infanticide and crimes against humanity?

 Unfortunately Mr. Harper, who likes to use the words “rule of law,” did nothing about these atrocities. And this is the guy who is going to save us from terrorists? He cannot even protect the most vulnerable in our society, the pre-born child and those born alive after failed killings.  One can only say, “God help Canada.” Are you still allowed to say that in Harper’s Canada? A country, I believe, that appears to be transitioning from a democracy to a dictatorship.

“Dictators must have enemies. They must have internal enemies to justify their secret police and external enemies to justify their military forces.” – Richard Perle

Stephen J. Gray
May 9, 2015.

Some info at links below:

“Prime Minister Stephen Harper never tires of telling Canadians that we are at war with the Islamic State. Under the cloud of fear produced by his repeated hyperbole about the scope and nature of the threat, he now wants to turn our domestic spy agency into something that looks disturbingly like a secret police force.” Editorial, Globe and Mail, February 1, 2015.

“Police states sometimes come quickly, such as a coup d’etat by the military. In the West, this process has been incremental. Most people laugh at the very idea that Canada is becoming a police state. But since 9/11 governments have increasingly expanded their power and diminished civil liberties. All in the name of fighting terrorism, an arbitrary definition. When militant groups cause violence and suffering – it’s called terrorism. When the government does it – it’s called peacekeeping.”  Caleb McMillan, August 26, 2013. Mises Canada.

“We’ve said it before, but we’ll say it again: the government has simply not made its case for why this Bill is necessary and good for national security....”