Friday, October 28, 2016

Who Will Bring Them To Justice For Crimes Against Humanity?


Who will bring them to justice for crimes against humanity?
The people who were, and are, the planners of this warring insanity
The Iraq war was a hellish lie about weapons of mass destruction
The invasion of that country was a planned diabolical production

A civil war now rages in that destroyed and unfortunate country
Hundreds of thousands are dead or maimed, and that puts it, bluntly
Many others are refugees from this created hell on earth
And depleted uranium contaminates innocent children at birth

Libya is another war crime dubbed “responsibility to protect”
Bombed and blitzed by NATO “allies” with great “successful” effect
That country is now in ruins, and terrorists are in control
The “victory” of “honourable” plotters, and men without a soul

Then the war criminals targeted Syria and started a civil war
They finance and arm the terrorists amongst the blood and gore
Then they blame its sovereign government for defending its own land
These hypocrites from hell: all these atrocities they planned

Yemen is another country where civilians are being slaughtered
Saudi Arabia and its coalition allies are the hellish plotters
Arms, planes, tanks and bombs supplied by America, U.K. and others
And the population cries out over the deaths of their mothers and daughters

Afghanistan is another country that never invaded us
It too is now a hell on earth with corpses in the dust
Soldiers are dead or dying that were sent to this awful war
And those who sent them cry out for more and more and more

War is a business for barbarians in expensive business suits
Corporate cannibals feed off death and destruction, are they callous brutes?
Political “warriors” voted for these wars that brought death and destruction
But, they don’t fight on the front lines, and they are missing in the action

It is no excuse for the perpetrators to say: “we were just following orders”
That excuse was thrown out at the “Nuremberg Trials,” and is a known disorder
Present day trials are needed, for those that planned these obscenities
But, who will bring them to justice for crimes against humanity?

“The Nuremberg trials were a series of trials held between 1945 and 1949 in which the Allies prosecuted German military leaders, political officials, industrialists, and financiers for crimes they had committed during World War II.”

Stephen J. Gray
October 28, 2016.

Articles of interest at link below:

This diabolical “plan” is described in the must listen to video below:
“General Wesley Clark: Wars Were Planned - Seven Countries In Five Years”
France's Former Foreign Minister: UK Government Prepared War in Syria Two Years Before 2011 Protests
Phone Tap: US Asst Sec. State Nuland Scheming in Ukraine with Ambassador Pyatt....

 [Pictures of Children contaminated in Iraq with depleted uranium]

Thursday, October 27, 2016


Millions are dead, others are still alive
Millions of people are just trying to survive
Millions are refugees wandering the earth
Most have nothing left, of any real worth

Once they had homes and some had businesses too
Then there arrived, the warring hellish crews
They bombed and blitzed a number of countries
Will they ever pay for their evil obscenities?

So called “leaders” of the “democratic” west
“The dogs of war,” that think they know best
War criminals that planned hell and destruction
Blood soaked villains oozing satisfaction

Proud of their crimes of “bringing democracy”
A hellish sight is their unctuous hypocrisy
Their partners in war crimes are the monetary villains
Who financed and paid for the missiles from the “heavens”

The assassins in the sky are just obeying orders
Is the madness of militarism definitely a disorder?
Conditioned to obey their bemedaled “superiors”
No matter that the motives are bloody ulterior

Countries destroyed and reduced to smoking rubble
The plotters and planners caused all this hellish trouble
The peoples of Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen and other countries too
Are the suffering and dead victims of this evil hellish crew

So say a prayer for the once “human race”
Where so-called leaders are a monstrous bloody disgrace
Where hell on earth is plotted and planned
And death and destruction covers the desert sand

The treachery of the “leaders” of “democratic” nations
Are funding and helping both sides in the conflagrations
Treason is permitted and practiced in broad daylight
Taxpayers and head choppers finance the dirty fight

This is “justice” and the so-called “rule of law”?
When well dressed war criminals are “men of straw”
Their crimes have cost society in monetary; trillions
But, worst of all, they are responsible for the deaths of untold millions

Stephen J. Gray
October 27, 2016.

Articles of interest at link below:

This diabolical “plan” is described in the must listen to video below:
“General Wesley Clark: Wars Were Planned - Seven Countries In Five Years”
France's Former Foreign Minister: UK Government Prepared War in Syria Two Years Before 2011 Protests
Phone Tap: US Asst Sec. State Nuland Scheming in Ukraine with Ambassador Pyatt....

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Are The Corporate Media Propaganda Pushers For The War Criminals?

“The effective propagandist must be a master of the art of speech, of writing, of journalism, of the poster and of the leaflet. He must have the gift to use the major methods of influencing public opinion such as the press, film and radio to serve his ideas and goals, above all in an age of advancing technology.”  Josef Goebbles

There is overwhelming evidence that there are war criminals that plotted and planned a number of wars in various countries. [1] Yet, you won’t hear or see most of the corporate controlled media exposing the criminality of the powerful war perverts in our midst, or the victims of the war criminals and their war business. [2] Syria is just one of example of many countries, where the media are protecting the criminal actions of governments and their treacherous “allies” that are consorting with terrorists. Therefore, kudos must go the writer mentioned below and the link to his article. “The media are misleading the public on Syria”

“Washington-based reporters tell us that one potent force in Syria, al-Nusra, is made up of ‘rebels’ or ‘moderates,’ not that it is the local al-Qaeda franchise. Saudi Arabia is portrayed as aiding freedom fighters when in fact it is a prime sponsor of ISIS. Turkey has for years been running a ‘rat line’ for foreign fighters wanting to join terror groups in Syria, but because the United States wants to stay on Turkey’s good side, we hear little about it. Nor are we often reminded that although we want to support the secular and battle-hardened Kurds, Turkey wants to kill them. Everything Russia and Iran do in Syria is described as negative and destabilizing, simply because it is they who are doing it — and because that is the official line in Washington.” Stephen Kinzer, February 18, 2016, Boston Globe.
And there is more information below that “Washington” is arming and training “terrorists.”
An article headlined: ‘American military ops against Al-Nusra incongruous as US assists jihadists’ RT  October 21, 2016. Here are some excerpts from the article:
“The US State Department blaming Russia for the situation in Syria makes no sense, as they have their own trainers on the ground working with jihadist Salafi groups which include Al-Nusra fighters, former Pentagon official Michael Maloof told RT.”...

RT: The US acknowledges that Al-Nusra is a terrorist group, and yet does not consider defeating it a priority. What do you make of this?

“Michael Maloof: It is not surprising, simply because we’re providing arms to them indirectly through their sponsors, namely Qatar and Saudi Arabia. The problem is that we have troops on the ground who are helping to train elements such as Al-Nusra and other jihadi Salafist groups. It is not just me saying that. This actually was said by a unit commander of Al-Nusra – his name is Abu Abdul 'Aziz. He basically admitted that US arms are coming into Syria, they are coming indirectly, it is not being sent directly from the US. But US forces are training and assisting some of those forces namely Al-Nusra. So it would be incongruous for the US to be bombing Al-Nusra, when we have our own trainers on the ground working with many of these fighters....”

And another article in “RT,” headlined:
“Terrorists & their paymasters hold Aleppo civilians as human hostages – VA senator”
Published time: 17 Oct, 2016 03:56Edited time: 17 Oct, 2016 04:34         
“The US and its allies could order their terrorist proxies in Aleppo to allow civilians to leave, but instead use them as hostages to escalate anti-Russia rhetoric in a bid to prevent the fall of the rebel stronghold, Virginia Senator Richard Black told RT.
The American Senator went on to say:
“Who pays ISIS, who pays Al-Qaeda in East Aleppo? They are paid for by Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Qatar, by the United States, by NATO. These are the people that fund these terrorists,...”

And still more info below:

“The fact can't be refuted: ISIS was born of Western intervention in Iraq and covert action in Syria...This attack on Syria, under the guise of striking ISIS, is by definition, a war of aggression. It is a violation of international law. It could lead to crimes against humanity and the deaths of untold numbers of innocent civilians. No amount of public relations or smooth talking can change that. And yes, members of this Democratic administration, including the president who executed this policy, must be held accountable by the International Criminal Court and by the American people, who he serves. “
Dennis Kucinich, Former 16-year member of the U.S. Congress and two-time U.S. presidential candidate. Huffington Post, 09/23/2014 05:39 pm ET.   

“Known and documented, Saudi Arabia has played a key strategic role in promoting and financing terrorism on behalf of Washington. Moreover, Saudi weapons purchases from the US and Canada are also being used to equip and arm various ‘opposition’ rebel groups in Syria including the ISIL and Al Nusrah.” Prof, Michel Chossudofsky, Global Research, March 02, 2016
Global Research 22 December 2015
One would think that the information from a former “Pentagon official” and a “Virginia senator”in the RT articles above, would be all over the corporate media. But no, and as I mentioned earlier, despite the overwhelming evidence that wars were plotted and planned, [1] and that the West and its “allies” are in bed with the terrorists they are supposed to be fighting, the media appear to be protecting our home grown war criminals. [3] I believe there is treacherous and treasonous behaviour by those in positions of power, and the media is dumb or devious, in, either its ignorance or complicity. I believe not only is the system hellishly “rigged,” but it is rotten to the core. Yet, our “leaders” talk about the “rule of law.” And we are supposed to be, “The Good Guys,” [4] Therefore, based on multiple sources of evidence, I ask: “Are the Media Propaganda Pushers for the War Criminals”?

“We have to ask ourselves how it can be that the world’s worse criminals—people responsible for the death and displacement of millions of peoples—occupy high office...?” Paul Craig Roberts. The Unz Review, March 9, 2016.                                           

Stephen J. Gray
October 23, 2016.

Articles of interest at links below:

Sunday, October 16, 2016

The Unpunished War Crimes of the War Criminals

When a crime or crimes have been committed, the police search for and arrest the perpetrators, and any evidence that is available. Today, we have evidence [1] of illegal monstrous wars planned and plotted, and carried out, and nobody goes to jail for the crimes against a number of countries. Millions of people would still be alive today if these war criminals had not invaded their lands.

Iraq, Libya, Syria Afghanistan, Yemen and other countries never invaded Western countries, yet the aforementioned nations are now hell on earth. 

Millions of people that once had homes or businesses, have been displaced. Millions of people are dead. Soldiers are dead or maimed. Countries have been destroyed, Cities have been reduced to smoking rubble and there are millions of refugees in camps or wandering the earth. A trail of blood, bodies, death and destruction leads to the war criminals in our midst. [2]

These well dressed war criminals [3] reside in various countries. [3a] They have fancy titles, some are in public office, others, are now retired from the “fray” of planning wars, but are drawing taxpayer funded pensions. Others are now sitting on corporate boards; rewarded for their crimes against humanity, and are available to “dispense their wisdom” on world affairs. (God help us all!)

Ethics and courage are sorely needed to bring these people to justice. But, justice appears to have been perverted. Otherwise, these war criminals would be in jail by now. Instead, they parade on the “world stage,” have their pictures taken and wave to the masses in evil condescending salutes; satanic “warriors” of death and destruction. Is this what happens when evil rules? [4]

“The forces of Evil have begun their decisive offensive, you can feel their pressure, and yet your screens and publications are full of prescribed smiles and raised glasses. What is the joy about?”
Alexander Solzhenitsyn

There is no joy in Iraq, Libya, Syria, Afghanistan, Yemen, or in any of the other countries now reduced to wastelands of death and destruction by this work of evil. [5]

Yet, the creators of all this carnage continue on their “merry way.”  Massive bloodstained profits are being made by the corporate cannibals, off these hellish atrocities. Investors in death and destruction, promote the war industries oops, I mean the “defence industries” as a “good buy.” The selling and marketing of killing has become the forte of public relations firms. Life is good for the war makers, life is a horror story for those still alive in the countries invaded by the war criminals. Therefore, the question must be asked: Will nobody arrest the war criminals or are gangsters in control? [6]

Still, these powerful criminals are experts at creating diversions from their atrocities, and their treasonous consorting with terrorists. A good example is the establishments’ media frenzy over Donald Trump. An article headlined: “We finally know what Hillary Clinton knew all along – US allies Saudi Arabia and Qatar are funding Isis” The Independent,U.K. newspaper of October 14, 2016. By Patrick Cockburn said this:

“It is fortunate for Saudi Arabia and Qatar that the furore over the sexual antics of Donald Trump is preventing much attention being given to the latest batch of leaked emails to and from Hillary Clinton. Most fascinating of these is what reads like a US State Department memo, dated 17 August 2014, on the appropriate US response to the rapid advance of Isis forces, which were then sweeping through northern Iraq and eastern Syria.” The article went on to state:

“At the time, the US government was not admitting that Saudi Arabia and its Sunni allies were supporting Isis and al-Qaeda-type movements. But in the leaked memo, which says that it draws on ‘western intelligence, US intelligence and sources in the region’ there is no ambivalence about who is backing Isis, which at the time of writing was butchering and raping Yazidi villagers and slaughtering captured Iraqi and Syrian soldiers.”

And the Asia Times of September 22, 2014, said this:
“Last year the chiefs of staff of the US, Britain, France, Canada, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey met in Jordan; and a report by UAE's newspaper... also mentions the existence of a secret command center in Jordan which is staffed by military officials from 14 Western and Arab countries including Israel. This command center coordinates the operations of the rebels (jihadis) in southern Syria; while the operations of the jihadis in northern Syria are coordinated by similar command centers and bases in Turkey....”  Nauman Sadiq, Asia Times Sep. 22, 2014.

 And another example below:
“Wednesday, John Kerry told the Senate not to worry about the cost of an American war on Syria. The Saudis and Gulf Arabs, cash-fat on the $110-a-barrel oil they sell U.S. consumers, will pick up the tab for the Tomahawk missiles. Has it come to this — U.S. soldiers, sailors, Marines and airmen as the mercenaries of sheiks, sultans and emirs, Hessians of the New World Order, hired out to do the big-time killing for Saudi and Sunni royals?” Patrick Buchanan, Author and Journalist, September 6, 2013.

 And still more on our treacherous allies:
“While, undeniably, the Islamic State has shown itself beyond the pale with its beheading of innocents and its massacres of soldiers who have surrendered, let us not forget that our allies abetted these monsters,...” Patrick Buchanan, September 26, 2014. “A Basket of Snakes”

I believe the info above is more evidence of the abominable evil that is in positions of power and consorting with terrorists. I also believe most of the corporate media and others in the establishment have been complicit in the crimes and wars against humanity by covering up the treachery of the war criminals. [7] As are the so-called think tanks, war colleges, and other assorted “experts” that appear on media panels to justify the endless wars. While the political and corporate scum aids and sell billions in weapons to the terrorist supporting head choppers that are slaughtering civilians in various countries. And the taxpayer funded “spy masters” in their billion dollar “spy palaces” appear to be silent on all this treachery and corruption. One wonders, who are they really working for? Still, English Royalty even dances with the head choppers. But, it’s all “good fun.”

“Known and documented, Saudi Arabia has played a key strategic role in promoting and financing terrorism on behalf of Washington. Moreover, Saudi weapons purchases from the US and Canada are also being used to equip and arm various ‘opposition’ rebel groups in Syria including the ISIL and Al Nusrah.” Prof, Michel Chossudofsky, Global Research, March 02, 2016
Global Research 22 December 2015

“Islamic State (Isil), with its newly conquered territory, oilfields and bank vaults, no longer needs much foreign money. But its extraordinarily swift rise to this point, a place where it threatens the entire region and the West, was substantially paid for by the allies of the West. Isil’s cash was raised in, or channelled through, Kuwait and Qatar, with the tacit approval and sometimes active support of their governments.” -Andrew Gilligan, Telegraph U.K. September 6, 2014.

And this from an article on Yemen:
“The bloodshed and suffering of the Yemeni people was reduced to an obscene game of semantics by a cold and calculating US State Department, as their multi billion dollar arms industry registered obscene trading levels with the Saudi coalition in 2015. In the first 21 months of Saudi-US illegal war on Yemen, US arms sales worth $33 Billion were closed Saudi and Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) entities according to Defense News. In total, America’s Nobel Peace Chief Barack Hussein Obama has offered to sell $115 billion in weapons to Saudi Arabia since taking office in 2009 – more than any previous US administration, according to a recent report.
“Not to be left out of the party, Britain has also sold more than £3.7 billion in arms to Saudi Arabia since Saudi’s illegal war of aggression began....” Vanessa Beeley, 21st Century Wire, October 13, 2016.

I could go on and on documenting the depredations and crimes of the powerful and their grovelling lackeys in positions of power. People everywhere need to wake up and realize if these war criminals have no respect for human life in other countries, or consorting and aiding terrorists, then one day they could let loose their followers of evil on us.  I say, “Arrest them” [8] before it is too late, because they are: “The Scumbags of the Earth.” [9] That’s why, I believe we urgently need present day Nuremberg Trials. [9a]

“The Nuremberg trials were a series of trials held between 1945 and 1949 in which the Allies prosecuted German military leaders, political officials, industrialists, and financiers for crimes they had committed during World War II.”

Stephen J. Gray
October 16, 2016.


Articles of interest at links below:
The Plans for Wars That the Media Suppress:
This diabolical “plan” is described in the must listen to video below:

“General Wesley Clark: Wars Were Planned - Seven Countries In Five Years”
France's Former Foreign Minister: UK Government Prepared War in Syria Two Years Before 2011 Protests

Thursday, October 13, 2016

The Trump-eting Hypocrisy of the Establishment and Its Media

“A key factor is that the news media are part of commercial organizations who hold a distinct stake in the existing order. As they benefit from the political status quo, news media have no desire to publicize candidates that rock the boat.” Robert W. McChesney, Page 134, in his book, The Problem Of The Media 

There is no doubt that presidential candidate Donald Trump is rocking the establishment and media’s “boat.”  Therefore, they are trying to sink his bid for the White House, a White House that is stained with the blood of people around the world. [1]

Does the establishment feel threatened if Donald Trump should succeed? Will their cozy relationships and perverted use of power over the years be exposed to the light?  Their media allies, that also feed off the system, have been set loose on Trump, like ravenous dogs.

The media dogs are given the bones of the past scandalous behaviour of Donald Trump; and the public world-wide are fed a daily diet of his moral failings. Yet, these same people that are going into a frenzy of self righteousness are many of the same establishment and media hypocrites that are promoting filth on their TV networks and newspapers.  Hollywood is no better, and has got in on the “act.”

One Hollywood actor reportedly said of Trump: I’d like to punch him in the face.
“Other celebrities have openly endorsed Trump’s rival, Hillary Clinton.”

And we know “Hillary Clinton” is above reproach, don’t we?

“While the Syrian civil war has been the subject of much debate, the war in Yemen has received almost no attention. Donald Trump has mentioned it only in passing, and Hillary Clinton hasn’t said a single word about it – with good reason.
“The reason is because, during her reign at the State Department, she and her staff collaborated with the Saudis to create a military machine that is now mowing down Yemeni civilians by the thousands.” Justin Raimondo, October 10, 2016.

Meanwhile, here in “sunny ways” Canada, we have our bastion of political correctness, where people parade naked on the streets, simulate sexual intercourse, and some women march naked with bare breasts bobbing in the wind. The media and some politicians tell us this is “diversity” in action. Some of these parades of “pride” are led by politicians and police chiefs. The Prime Minister and his children have even participated in this orgy of exhibitionism, all the while the establishment and the media gives it saturation coverage. (Some media even participate.) Yet. this same media are going into a ferocious frenzy over Donald Trump’s lewd remarks while we have lewd parades on our streets and on TV.  Still, hypocrisy is the forte of the establishment media here in Canada. Therefore, one has to ask: Has Canada Become Depraved, Degenerate, and Debauched Under “The Rule of Law”?

 Meanwhile, real news is suppressed, and the atrocities and treachery of the establishment in planned wars is covered up by the corporate media [2]

We have war criminals in our midst, [3] and the “word soldiers,” [4] in the “news media” are waging war on Trump. What does that say about “investigative journalism”? People are dying and starving around the world; countries and cities are destroyed; millions are refugees, and millions are dispossessed.  Meanwhile, Donald Trump is the target of the establishment media. Hypocrisy rules!

 “And what sort of lives do these people, who pose as being moral, lead themselves? My dear fellow, you forget that we are in the native land of the hypocrite.” Oscar Wilde...

Stephen J. Gray
October 13, 2016.


 Articles of interest at links below:


Saturday, October 8, 2016

Why Are The War Criminals Still Free?

Despite all the evidence that wars were planned on Iraq, Libya, Syria and other countries,  the war criminals are still free. There are numerous sources available on these planned crimes against humanity. See article here: The Evidence of the Planning of Wars against Countries by Powerful War Criminals [1]

And this leads to The trail of blood, bodies and destruction that leads to the war criminals in our midst. [2]

One has to ask, “Where is the United Nations (UN) while all this murder and mayhem is happening? It seems this taxpayer-funded monstrosity was being treated to a song by a wonderful singer at its latest meeting. Meanwhile, the dirge of death resonates around the world and the U.N. has a recital! One wonders, Did, war criminals, arms dealers, dictators, despots and “useful idiots” attend the United Nations (UN) Meeting in New York? [3] And is it considered bad form to ask this question?

Nothing is being done, and no questions are asked, about the war criminals of past and present regimes who continue to live their lives freely after being responsible for the huge loss of lives and destruction in various countries. Therefore, one has to ask: Is this what happens when evil rules? [4]

Still, we hear the banal phrase “responsibility to protect” from the mouths of the evil hypocrites who planned and plotted numerous wars along with their partners in crimes against humanity. Which raises this question: Has the responsibility to prosecute become the “responsibility to protect” war criminals? [5]

“Most war crimes fall into one of three categories: crimes against peace, crimes against humanity, and traditional war crimes. Crimes against peace include the planning, commencement, and waging of aggressive war, or war in violation of international agreements. Aggressive war is broadly defined to include any hostile military act that disregards the territorial boundaries of another country, disrespects the political independence of another regime, or otherwise interferes with the sovereignty of an internationally recognized state....”

The “sovereignty” of a number of countries has been invaded and destroyed by those who parrot words like “rule of law, democracy and human rights.” Some of these “governments” who call themselves “democratic,” and others not “democratic,” have reportedly “allied” themselves with terrorist groups.

“... ISIS operated in the Syrian theater since August 2011 and its sabotage activities against the Assad regime were fully supported by the US' allies in the region: Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Qatar, UAE, Kuwait and Jordan.”  Nauman Sadiq,  Asia Times, Sept.22, 2014.

Surely helping terrorists is a crime. Yet nothing is being done about this double standard and treachery. Therefore, one has to ask: Are there war criminals living in America, Canada, England, Germany, France and other NATO Countries? [6]

Powerful politicians in various countries have formed themselves into political gangs and hold memberships in NATO, which enables them to use the military from their member countries to invade, decimate, bomb, and degrade. (Degrade is a polite word used to disguise killings; collateral damage is another one.) They also use the words “coalition” and “allies” which help them to make their war obscenities sound “respectable” and acceptable to the masses. Some evidence of the depredations of this warmongering can be seen in the article The war gangs and “war criminals” of NATO to meet in Poland  [7]

“The only way to deescalate the conflict [in Syria] is: if NATO, GCC, Turkey and Israel withdraw their support from the rebels....
This unholy alliance between the Takfiri terrorists and the NATO-GCC-Israel nexus must be dismantled, if we want peace and stability to prevail in Syria....
Finally, the obvious response to the Islamic States' capture of Mosul should have been an immediate rethink and reversal of the ill-conceived Syria policy; a cessation of hostilities; an avowal of withdrawing all kinds of support to the Syrian Mujahideen; and pressurizing the NATO's partners-in-crime: Turkey and the Gulf monarchies, that they too should desist from supporting the Syrian Jihadis.” Nauman Sadiq, Asia Times, Sept. 22, 2014.

In conclusion, I believe these “political warriors” in expensive suits, who don’t fight, should, along with NATO, be put on trial. I also believe they have literally been getting away with creating monstrous atrocities in a number of countries. They have, in fact, created hell on earth. Therefore, I ask this question based on overwhelming evidence: Should the past and present leaders of a number of countries be charged with conspiracy, war crimes, crimes against humanity, and funding, training and arming terrorists? [8]

“Machiavelli advised his patron that invent enemies and then slay them in order to control your subjects. The Arab autocrats are paying heed to this Machiavellian advice; they have invented a Shia enemy to control their Sunni subjects. But why did the West chose to become a part of this evil scheme? Last year the chiefs of staff of the US, Britain, France, Canada, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey met in Jordan; and a report by UAE's newspaper also mentions the existence of a secret command center in Jordan which is staffed by military officials from 14 Western and Arab countries including Israel. This command center coordinates the operations of the rebels (jihadis) in southern Syria; while the operations of the jihadis in northern Syria are coordinated by similar command centers and bases in Turkey.” Nauman Sadiq,  Asia Times, Sept. 22, 2014.

Stephen J. Gray
October 8, 2016.


Articles of interest at links below: