Thursday, July 24, 2014

A Message to the Gang of Seven (G7)

What a conscienceless, cowardly gang you all are
Standing on the “world stage” here and afar
Babbling about a state’s, “right to defend itself”
While it kills children and civilians, and creates hell

What kind of devils would explain these atrocities away?
Then grovel and support the child killers at “war” play
Even give them taxpayers money and words of acclaim
Are you all brainless and going bloody insane?

Does your madness rule in your “civilized,” countries
That you attempt to explain these criminal effronteries
Or are you beholden to those who perform this slaughter?
Do any of you have little innocent sons or daughters?

What if it were your children being bombed and murdered?
Would you cover your eyes and support the bastards?
Or would you demand justice from earth and heaven?
Or are you cowards and a conscienceless Gang of Seven?

Stephen J. Gray
July 24, 2014.

Articles of interest at links below: