(Feel free to pass on the evidence in this article)
“The Nuremberg trials were a series of trials held
between 1945 and 1949 in which the Allies prosecuted German military leaders,
political officials, industrialists, and financiers for crimes they had
committed during World War II.”
Endless wars are being perpetrated today, yet the crimes of
the perpetrators go unpunished. Numerous countries are invaded, decimated and
destroyed. Millions of people are dead, millions are in refugee camps and
millions of dollars are being made in blood soaked profits from the carnage
created by this ‘industry of death.’
Hundreds of thousands of people in various countries are
contaminated or killed. Many soldiers are dead, dying or maimed. (After obeying
the orders of these war criminals.) Millions of people are homeless. Their
countries have been bombed, blitzed, decimated, destroyed and reduced to
rubble. Refugees are in the millions around the world. Many refugees are
drowning or dying in the waters of the Mediterranean trying to reach countries in
Europe believing they will find a safe haven, alas this is not so. Those who
make it to the shores of these “humanitarian” countries are subject to
beatings, spraying with chemicals and dogs are set upon them, they are called
filthy names and told to go back from whence they came.
Most of these unfortunate people that are refugees, had
homes, cities and countries to live in before the regime change criminals
plotted the destruction, killing and misery that now exists in their lives.
These well dressed war criminals are still running amok in various countries.
Countries who never invaded us, are, Iraq, Afghanistan,
Libya, Syria, Ukraine,
the list goes on.
Based on the evidence below we are seeing a hellish
monstrous evil loosed upon the world.
And many governments appear to be part of this corruption
that is presently unopposed, and is causing massive human suffering.
“To oppose corruption
in government is the highest obligation of patriotism.”
G. Edward Griffin
Stephen J. Gray
September 1, 2015.
See Links Below for
More Evidence of the Evil Being Perpetrated By the War Criminals:
The Covert Origins of
“General Wesley
Clark: Wars Were Planned - Seven Countries In Five Years”
Phone Tap: US Asst Sec. State Nuland Scheming in Ukraine
with Ambassador Pyatt....
“A declassified
secret US government document obtained by the conservative public interest law
firm, Judicial Watch, shows that Western governments deliberately allied with
al-Qaeda and other Islamist extremist groups to topple Syrian dictator Bashir
Former Foreign Minister: UK
Government Prepared War in Syria
Two Years Before 2011 Protests
US VP Biden: We
Couldn't Convince Our Mideast Allies to Stop Supporting Extremists in Syria
US Vice-President Joe
Biden Blames Washington’s Middle East Allies for Financing ISIS
“Some officers in the
Canadian Forces tried to raise concerns early on in the war that removing
Gadhafi would play into the hands of Islamic extremists, but military sources
say those warnings went unheeded. Later, military members would privately joke
about Canada’s CF-18s being part of ‘al-Qaida’s air force,’ since their bombing
runs helped to pave the way for rebel groups aligned with the terrorist
group....” David Pugliese, Ottawa Citizen, March1, 2015.
Army chiefs tell
Government: stop Gulf states
funding terrorism
[Video] Former
Defense Intelligence Agency Chief Says Rise of Islamic State Was “A Willful
“Our allies are up to
their necks in complicity with terrorism, but as long as there is money to be
made and weapons to sell, our rulers’ lips will remain stubbornly sealed.” Owen
Jones, the Guardian, U.K.
August 31, 2014.