An Imaginary Speech to the Global Elite
By Stephen J. Gray
Greetings, respected and eminent persons, of
the world community, it is so nice to see you all gathered in our favourite
offshore tax haven for our yearly confab on world affairs. Let me start by
giving you an update on our progress.
We are having undreamed of
success in pushing that alternative lifestyle, that we marketed under the
banner of “same sex marriage.” Our
marketing experts and our multi-national corporations have also helped. It has been
legitimized by many governments and politicians. In fact, some are here today
amongst the audience. (Applause takes
place and shouts of “bravo” are heard.) We must also give credit to our
corporate owned media who have been pushing this same-sex lifestyle frenziedly
and relentlessly. And of course many of the trade union bosses who use their
captive member-ships compulsory union dues to also push this way of life.
Talking about life, our world wide agenda on depopulation is coming to fruition.
With “same sex marriage” becoming normalized there can be no children born to
these sterile relationships. (another round of applause and a standing ovation
We are also involved in the
world wide abortion industry which has killed millions and is killing millions
daily and this also helps our depopulation agenda. We are involved in financing
and supplying arms to despots and dictators and financing both sides in wars.
All this bloody mayhem also gets rid of the surplus people and helps our
depopulation agenda tremendously. We are driving up the price of food and our
speculation on this has made us massive profits. This has caused starvation in
poorer countries, but this is another plus for our depopulation agenda. We have
imposed austerity on a number of countries and this also deters some of the
people from having children.
We crashed the financial
system and some of us got bailed out by the peoples’ tax dollars, though some
persons were saying the people who lost their houses should have been bailed out
as well. Which is just silly, bailing them
out would have been a form of socialism, and we cannot have that. (a huge burst
of applause and a standing ovation takes place, and shouts of, “Let the
marketplace decide,” are heard.
We continue our globalized
marketplace strategies and our puppet political friends in many governments are
only too willing to take our advice on trade deals, partnerships and
globalization. They sell it to their people as “creating jobs,” and that slogan
is always a winner; our corporate marketers tell us. With globalization and world
wide trade deals we can have the people competing for our business and the
lowest wages and working conditions offered will win the deal. We will be
making more and more money. Our profits will go through the roof and the people
will count themselves lucky to have a roof over their heads.
In closing let me say this.
Our depopulation and other strategies are working well. One of our marketers
says the people can be convinced of anything if you market the language
properly, and scare them enough. The war on drugs, the war on poverty and the
war on terror have been great slogans. It pays to have endless enemies and that
is why the war business is so profitable. And it is all paid for by the
peoples’ tax dollars. What could be more appropriate than that? Till next year
keep smiling and remember our motto: “Globalization
is the end of nations and depopulation will bring some correlation.”
Stephen J. Gray
August 24, 2013.
Articles of interest at links below: