Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Where is the Concern in Canada?

Where is the concern about rule of law, when 491 babies were left to die in Canada? [1] [2]

Where is the concern about rule of law in Canada, when ‘militant terrorists’ were allowed into Canada? [3]

Where is the concern about rule of law in Canada, when taxpayers’ money funds and reportedly trains terrorists? [4]

Where is the concern about the rule of law in Canada, when $600 million of taxpayers’ dollars was wining and dining war criminals? [5]

Where is the concern about rule of law in Canada, When NATO an organization funded by Canadians tax dollars is reportedly funding, training and arming the terrorists it is supposed to be fighting? [6]

Where is the concern about the rule of law in Canada, when armed forces were joking about being ‘being part of ‘al-Qaida’s air force,’? [7]

Where is the concern about the rule of law in Canada, when the corporate media are covering up the treachery of war criminals? [8] [9]

Stephen J. Gray
March 5, 2019.
Note: There is much more info on my blog for anyone interested. Some internet links are being censored.


Links of interest below:
“A strange aspect of these conflicts is that Western leaders have never had to pay any political price for their role in initiating them or pursuing policies that effectively stoke the violence. Isis is a growing power in Libya, something that would not have happened had David Cameron and Nicolas Sarkozy not helped destroy the Libyan state by overthrowing Gaddafi in 2011. Al-Qaeda is expanding in Yemen, where Western leaders have given a free pass to Saudi Arabia to launch a bombing campaign that has wrecked the country.” Patrick Cockburn, March 20,2016.
“The fact can't be refuted: ISIS was born of Western intervention in Iraq and covert action in Syria...This attack on Syria, under the guise of striking ISIS, is by definition, a war of aggression. It is a violation of international law. It could lead to crimes against humanity and the deaths of untold numbers of innocent civilians. No amount of public relations or smooth talking can change that. And yes, members of this Democratic administration, including the president who executed this policy, must be held accountable by the International Criminal Court and by the American people, who he serves.”
Dennis Kucinich, Former 16-year member of the U.S. Congress and two-time U.S. presidential candidate.
December 27, 2018
Will The War Criminals Be Brought To Justice in 2019? Or Is Justice Dead and Buried?