Nonsenseland was living up to
its name and consistent in its nonsense even though it was the Christmas season;
oops, I mean Happy Holidays time. Nonsenseland’s Parliament had shut down for
its holidays. (No proroguing was needed for this escape by the great leader
because this was bona fide vacation time.) Some cynics were saying they were on
holiday all the time at taxpayers’ expense. Anyway, perhaps it was good that
the honourable politicians were having a break, for it seemed tempers were
getting short amongst some of the ruling political elite. It seemed one
honourable member had told another honourable member to "shut the f*** up..."
[1] Not a very nice remark from a
supposedly “family friendly” government. Still, this was Nonsenseland [2] where obscene parades of nakedness
were allowed, so obscene language was just another sideshow and perfectly
Anyway, it seemed the foul
epithet had been used against one honourable member who had criticized a buddy
of the other honourable member who had admitted to using crack cocaine. This
had caused the honourable member to momentarily crack up by using obscene
language against the critic of his buddy. In fact, another honourable member
was quoted as saying, "I thought they might come to blows,...” Still, this
was not the only ugly incident in the House of Power; it was reported that
another honourable member had called another honourable member a "bitch,"
though he did later apologize. Still, this is the sorry state of Nonsenseland
and that’s why it is so aptly named. Then another honourable member was asked
about child poverty and reportedly said, “Is it my job to feed my neighbour’s
child? I don’t think so.” [3] But,
as I said earlier, this is a “family friendly” government and who would argue
with that in Nonsenseland?
Meanwhile, in another province of the land,
the smiling Premier wants to allow little kids into pubs [4] where their parents are drinking. Some cynics were asking could
this suggestion by the Premier be called “drunk with political power” or
another sign of “wisdom” in Nonsenseland?
Anyway, this is the Christmas
Season; oops, I mean Happy Holidays time in the land of “equality” and “human
rights.” So all the best from Nonsenseland, where nonsense is a Charter
Stephen J. Gray
December 19,2013.
Note: More on Nonsenseland at links below.