The Gang of 20 (G20) is
together once again
Dictators, despots, and
political “leaders” who reign
A gathering of B.S. merchants
some might say
But hey, they must have some
time to party and play
The peoples’ tax dollars will
pay for this gang
As they huddle and gossip in
their luxury shebang
Are their New World Order
handlers, discreetly in the background?
Are they watching over their
well fed puppets doing their rounds?
Backslapping each other,
bowing, and shaking hands
The gangs all here with their
numerous bootlicking bands
Sycophants and cheer leaders
will record their “wisdom”
The masses back home will be
regaled ad nauseam
Press releases and P.R.
merchants will suffocate the airwaves
And tell us how “important”
is the gangs’ “brain-waves”
Communiques will be issued
about this “momentous” occasion
And the baloney and B.S. will
reach every nation
“They will create jobs and
prosperity” they will say
And they will protect their
people by spying on them every day
They will bring “peace and
security” to the whole world
While starting more wars and
more weapons they’ll build
Some will talk about their
“values’ as they consort with dictators
Hypocrisy knows no bounds
amongst these political fakers
Some grovel to the dictators
and even shake their bloodstained hands
Some of these despots have
been known to finance terrorists in other lands
But “business is business”
and they turn a blind eye
To the villains in their
company and they don’t ask why
Are ethics and principles
strangers to this expensively clad gang?
As they enjoy themselves
immensely in the land of the boomerang?
The ruling beheaders are here
in all their glory
Now isn’t that a very “nice”
sandy desert story?
Still, they are all in a “war
coalition” together
Bosom buddies, and non
fighting “warriors,” in all kinds of weather
And when they are finished
talking and it’s time to go
They will all stand and wave
at the end of the “show”
Their picture will be taken
all lined up together
The “world stage” is a platform, for “birds of
a feather”
Stephen J. Gray
November 15, 2014.
“The Group of Twenty
("G-20") nations, the new Financial Stability Board
("FSB"), and the International Monetary Fund ("IMF") are
progressing on two fronts: the monitoring and revision of national and regional
economic plans to facilitate global economic governance…”
The Globalists' Agenda - New
World Order Quotes from Politicians (1950 - 2009) Part 2
Articles of Interest at links below: