Thursday, June 30, 2016

Happy Canada Day? Canada is in a Daze!

Definition of Daze: A state of stunned confusion or bewilderment”

Canada Day is a day of celebration, with flags flying and waving, but one wonders with the recent happenings in our country whether it should be a day of mourning. Perhaps the flags across the land should be flying at half mast, to signify the killing and death of ethics and morality in our country. Perhaps also, a few minutes of silence, so that people can contemplate the horrendous evil now loosed upon the land. The reason being is this: The government created Bill C-14, a Bill to Kill people, to appease nine unelected judges. Now this “perverted law” has received “royal assent.” Global News, June 17, 2016.

After seeing their Bill to Kill receive the all clear for their killing to commence in “law,” the “right honourable” and “honourable” politicians proceeded to leave their House of No Shame, or the House of the Insane, for their summer break. It had been a Mad Scramble to Pass Bill C-14: The Bill to Kill Peoplebut they finally “achieved” their sick and ordered judicial goal in bringing euthanasia to Canada. It is said, “History repeats itself.” Once before in history euthanasia was also promoted as a “good.”

"It started with the acceptance of the attitude, basic to the euthanasia movement, that there is such a thing as a life not worthy to be lived. This attitude in its early stages concerned itself merely with the severely and chronically sick.
"Gradually the sphere of those to be included in this category was enlarged to encompass the socially unproductive, the ideologically unwanted, the racially unwanted, and finally all non-Germans." Leo Alexander, American psychiatrist.

“Honourable” mention in promoting this deadly aberration in Canada must surely go to most of the Canadian media who are mostly all on board this judicial ship of death by making these proposed state sanctioned killings sound “compassionate” and “lawful.” To see some of them on television spouting propaganda and hogwash and interviewing supporters of state approved killing, while having nobody else with an opposing viewpoint, is, I believe, to see evil at work. Therefore I ask, is “the Canadian news media” biased and unethical? Because if we still lived in a “civilized country” an ethical media and government would attempt to “Stop the Killing, Arrest its Planners, and Use the Notwithstanding Clause.”

Unfortunately, the elected politicians are terrified of using the notwithstanding clause, and instead grovel to nine unelected judges that gave them an order and an ultimatum to bring in a Bill to Kill. This perversion of law, language and justice could be called “The Charter Disease.”

One would think that a civilized people in a supposedly civilized country would be filled with revulsion and outrage that the laws of their land would be perverted to allow “legalized murder” inserted into the Criminal Code.

“This enactment amends the Criminal Code to, among other things,
(a)  create exemptions from the offences of culpable homicide, of aiding suicide and of administering a noxious thing, in order to permit medical practitioners and nurse practitioners to provide medical assistance in dying and to permit pharmacists and other persons to assist in the process;”

Have peoples’ consciences been killed and their brains befuddled?  To make this “kindly killing” acceptable, the criminal acts of killing human beings is being called “medical assistance in dying,” or “assisted suicide,” or “physician-hastened death,” and other “nice” phrases and words used to disguise the truth, which is this: people are going to be killed by giving consent to those in the “medical profession” who are supposed to “Do no harm.”  And the criminal code will be subverted to “create exemptions” for their killers. One wonders, “Where is the Revulsion and the Outrage?”

In closing, I believe Canada is headed down the road to perdition. When “legalized murder” can be made “lawful” and the criminal code “subverted” then we are all in danger and nobody is safe. What will be the next perverted and twisted decision handed down from the Obscene Court of Canada, oops, pardon me, “The Supreme Court” of Canada, and dutifully carried out by the land’s judicial bootlicking politicians?  Therefore, I ask this question about the present day “final solution” in Canada: “Has Canada Become Depraved, Degenerate, and Debauched Under ‘The Rule of Law’”?

“Absolute power, in Lord Acton’s aphorism corrupts absolutely and the Supreme Court is now absolutely corrupt” –Robert Ivan Martin, Page 178, in his book
The Most Dangerous Branch: How the Supreme Court of Canada Has Undermined Our Law and Our Democracy

So as we consider declaring happy Canada day, perhaps we should pause and consider that Canada is in a daze, and that’s not to be celebrated.  After all, as Alexander Solzhenitsyn said,

“The forces of Evil have begun their decisive offensive, you can feel their pressure, and yet your screens and publications are full of prescribed smiles and raised glasses. What is the joy about?”

Stephen J. Gray
June 30, 2016.


Sunday, June 26, 2016

Brexit: Are The Serfs Finally Rebelling?

The establishment are shocked that the ordinary people want out of the European Union (EU). They just don’t realize that people are fed up being used, abused, dictated to, lied to, manipulated, and forced into an EU dictatorship by treacherous politicians. These are some of the same politicians who scurry to the meetings of the so-called elites in Davos, and also attend Bilderberg meetings. And many of them, when they leave politics, finish up on the boards of banks and multi-national corporations with the rest of the money-manipulating bandits that got bailed out with taxpayers’ dollars, some of whom, I believe, should be in jail.

One has to ask, has the system become so corrupt that ordinary people are finally starting to realize that they are being used as “useful idiots” by barbarians in business suits. The people send their sons and daughters and grandchildren to fight in illegal wars while these political, corporate, and financial villains make massive bloodstained profits from wars around the world. At the same time, some of these well-dressed bandits have been financing both sides in these bloody wars. Therefore one has to ask,
“Will Nobody Arrest the War Criminals? Or Are Gangsters in Control?”

I believe only gangsters that have no morals principles or ethics would continue to believe that ordinary people still believe their B.S. and “marketing of evil.”  The E.U. is a prime example of how unscrupulous people are able to get control of a number of countries aided and abetted by politicians and other elites. This E.U. dictatorship was planned over a number of years and brought to fruition by a secret cabal. The headline and link to the article below (by Paul Belien) is from the Brussels Journal of 2006-02-27 and is a must read:
“Former Soviet Dissident Warns For EU Dictatorship”

“The authoritarian elites on both sides operate an ‘over world’ of organized conspiracy which mirrors the underworld of organized crime.” Charles Levinson in his book “Vodka Cola.”

The book “Vodka Cola” revealed in intimate detail the financial connections between the multi-national corporate elites in the west and the communist dictators in the Soviet Union before the “fall of communism.” Yet, these same corporate elites at that time were telling all and sundry about the “dangers of communism” while at the same time profiting from their business deals with the communist dictators.
On pages 54 and 55 of Vodka Cola there is a detailed list of “Western multinationals with Moscow offices” at the time of the so-called “Cold War.”  And during the WWII some of these multi-national corporations were hand in glove with Hitler’s Germany, so states the book “Trading With The Enemy” by Charles Higham. The beginning of the book says,

“From the Standard Oil executives who diverted precious fuel to the enemy and the Ford Motor Company plants that supplied trucks to keep the German war machine running, to the ITT executives who streamlined Nazi communications and helped perfect the robot bombs that devastated London; from the Chase National Bank executives who held millions of dollars in gold--some of it refined from the fires of Auschwitz--in trust for the Reich at war’s end, to the top-ranking government officials who kept their deals running smoothly….”

So, what did the American government at the time do about all this corporate chicanery? Page 13 of “Trading with The Enemy states, “…the government did sanction such dubious transactions-both before and after Pearl Harbour. A presidential edict, issued six days after December 7, 1941, actually set up the legislation whereby licensing arrangements for trading with the enemy could officially be granted.”

I believe these multi-nationals mentioned in this book were traitors to their country. One wonders how many families lost loved ones because of the treachery committed by these multi-national business elites?

“The multi-national companies are, therefore, the core of modern capitalism and have replaced the Western nation-state as the real political power centers of the age.”
( Charles Levinson page 16, “Vodka Cola.” )

I believe control by corporate cannibals and their political flunkies is what is happening today in the E.U. and elsewhere in the world. Under the guise of “free trade,” deals are being made in secret to integrate the economies of various countries which, just like the E.U., will mean loss of national sovereignty for those countries. Therefore I ask,
“Is There An Open Conspiracy To Control The World?”

"The New World Order is a world that has a supernational authority to regulate world commerce and industry; an international organization that would control the production and consumption of oil; an international currency that would replace the dollar; a World Development Fund that would make funds available to free and communist nations alike; and an international police force to enforce the edicts of the New World Order."
Willy Brandt, Former West German Chancellor and former chairman of the Fifth Socialist International, Chairman of the Brandt Commission in the late 1980's

In closing, this is what is happening and the politicians in the E.U. and elsewhere are going along with it:

“The Group of Twenty ("G-20") nations, the new Financial Stability Board ("FSB"), and the International Monetary Fund ("IMF") are progressing on two fronts: the monitoring and revision of national and regional economic plans to facilitate global economic governance…”

Stephen J. Gray
June 26, 2016.

Articles of interest at links below:

Sunday, June 12, 2016

The Mad Scramble to Pass Bill C-14: The Bill to Kill People

“Thou shalt not kill”

 “Bill C-14
An Act to amend the Criminal Code and to make related amendments to other Acts (medical assistance in dying)”

Who would have believed that assistance in murder would come to Canada, a country that has a Charter of Rights and Freedoms. There is no “freedom” to kill in Canada, but the Charter does have a right to life. How then did this supposedly “civilized” country go right off its rocker and propose to bring in Bill C-14, a Bill to Kill sick and helpless people?

“More than a year ago, the Supreme Court ruled unanimously in Carter vs. Canada that, ‘The prohibition on physician-assisted dying infringes the right to life, liberty and security of the person in a manner that is not in accordance with the principles of fundamental justice.’” Aaron Wherry, CBC News, April 22, 2016.

The unelected Supreme Court of Canada  twisted and perverted the language of the Charter [1] and declared there was a “right” for a person to be killed if they so wished. They gave the elected government an ultimatum and a time limit to bring in this depraved and illegal act of assisted homicide. This atrocity would be called “medical assistance in dying,” or “physician-hastened death,” and other “nice” phrases and words used to disguise the truth, which is this: people are going to be killed by giving consent to those in the “medical profession” who are supposed to “Do no harm.”  And the criminal code will be subverted to “create exemptions” for their killers. [1a]

“This enactment amends the Criminal Code to, among other things,
(a)  create exemptions from the offences of culpable homicide, of aiding suicide and of administering a noxious thing, in order to permit medical practitioners and nurse practitioners to provide medical assistance in dying and to permit pharmacists and other persons to assist in the process;”

Watching this daily, sick political farce by supposedly “intelligent” people tying themselves in knots, trying to justify assisted murder, would be laughable if it were only an on-stage dark comedy. But this is no comedy; this is real political idiocy, a matter of life or death. And if these supposedly “brainy” people have their way, death will be declared the “winner” and the Bill to Kill will eventually pass into perverted “law.” Sensible people must surely ask: “Have Our ‘Rulers’ Gone Mad”? [2]

The consequences of the actions of these people in positions of power are waiting to happen.  Have the “finest legal minds” and the “intelligentsia” in this once civilized country thought this through? I believe there will be fallout and repercussions from this perversion of law, language, and justice. There could be a plethora of court cases and lawsuits.  People could be killed by “accident,” or “mistakenly” terminated. People could be killed for their property, organs, money, inheritances, life insurance benefits etc. Will some “bad” convicted killers claim there is a double standard, claiming the state is allowed to kill “compassionately” but when they kill in anger or plan a homicide, they are jailed? Will we have “good killings” and bad killings? The crazy horror show that will result from this judicial, political, and medical insanity is waiting to happen!  The lawyer class will have a monetary field day thanks to the lawyers that are now appointed judges on the Obscene Court, oops, I mean the Supreme Court. [2a]

The only solution left for this country is this: The Notwithstanding clause [3] must be used. Those who are promoting “legalized” killing as the “final solution” for helpless and sick people and calling their immoral acts “compassionate,” I believe should be arrested and put on trial. Otherwise, I believe this country is diving into the depths of “legalized” depravity. [4]

“The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who, in times of great moral crisis, maintain their neutrality.”  Dante Alighieri

Stephen J. Gray
June 12, 2016.


Articles of interest at links below:

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Goodbye Earth

Goodbye earth your time has come
The final war has blotted out the sun
Man made “weapons of mass destruction”
Have brought about your extinction

This beautiful earth garden that God created
Has been violated and desecrated
God’s word was ignored that, “Thou shall not kill”
The time will come to face His will

There is punishment for evil, that’s for sure
The verdict is in and the earth will be no more
So shed your tears for the human race
That worshipped the uncaring, corrupt, marketplace

Satanic “leaders” brought death and destruction
And many of you obeyed their instructions
You are the authors of your own demise
It was your “leaders” that sent hellfire from the skies

So weep and gnash your teeth in despair
It was you that poisoned God’s clean air
You slaughtered your young and called it “choice”
You denied helpless innocents their God given voice

You killed your elderly and called the crime “assisted death”
Who will be next on the list that’s left?
Evil has come under the banner of “brotherhood”
“Woe to those who call evil good”

Now you bemoan the world’s pollution
It was you that brought the “final solution”
Perhaps if you get on your knees and pray
You might be able to ask God to delay

Sneer and mock and laugh if you will
The day will come to pay the bill
And if you finally realize and are shocked
Just remember these words, “God will not be mocked”

His final judgement is coming one day soon
He created the earth, the sun and the moon
He was the creator of the earth’s beautiful birth
And he will return to judge and say, “Goodbye Earth”

Ecclesiastes 12:14 “For God will bring every deed into judgment, with every secret thing, whether good or evil.”

Stephen J. Gray
June 8, 2016.

Articles of interest below:

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Stop the Killing, Arrest its Planners, and Use the Notwithstanding Clause

“What is needed is the constitutional wisdom that led to including the notwithstanding clause in the Charter -- sufficient respect for parliamentary democracy not to let the judiciary always have the last word on rights and freedoms.” – Peter Russell, National Post, February 13, 2007.

The not-withstanding clause was inserted into the Charter of Rights and Freedoms as a safeguard, against judges running amok. I believe it is now imperative that it be used to protect not only the vulnerable in this country, but everybody. This “legalized” killing decision by the Supreme Court of Canada is surely a brazen attack on human life and unworthy of being called “justice at work.”  If nine judges can impose a decision that gives license to killing, then surely we have reached the depths of depravity. This is not the rule of law; this is the rule of the licentious. [1]

I believe the jackboots of the judiciary are stomping on the rule of law in this country, and are now perverting the law. Furthermore, I believe the way this country can be brought back to sanity is this: The Not withstanding Clause in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms must be used to protect everybody from this abominable decision by unelected judges and their cringing political handmaidens. I also believe that these judges who have advocated the criminal act that some people can be killed, should be removed from the bench and criminally charged, as should all the politicians, who are aiding and abetting them in sanctioning homicide. [2]

One would think that civilized people in a supposedly civilized country would be filled with revulsion and outrage that the laws of their land would be perverted to allow “legalized” murder. Have their consciences been killed and their brains befuddled?
To make this “kindly killing” acceptable, the criminal acts of killing human beings is being covered up with language like “medical assistance in dying,” or “physician-hastened death,” and other “nice” phrases and words used to disguise the truth, which is this: people are going to be killed by giving consent to those in the “medical profession” who are supposed to “Do no harm.”  And the criminal code will be subverted to “create exemptions” for their killers.

“This enactment amends the Criminal Code to, among other things,
(a)create from the offences of culpable homicide, of aiding suicide exemptions and of administering a noxious thing, in order to permit medical practitioners and nurse practitioners to provide medical assistance in dying and to permit pharmacists and other persons to assist in the process;”

Killing people is now called “the process” and Bill C-14, the Bill to Kill, I believe is a sick commentary on the depths of depravity and madness a once civilized country has sunk. Who in their “right mind” could even put this obscenity into “legal” writing is beyond my comprehension. [3] Are the people of this country being “legally” hypnotized or sedated? [4]

“They are sedating the masses with nice sounding words
Murder is camouflaged and deliberately blurred
“Assistance in dying” is the phrase used for killing
The people being terminated must be willing” [4]

I believe the laws of Canada have been subverted by those who are supposed to uphold the law. Nine unelected judges of the Supreme Court of Canada have declared persons can be killed. They gave the elected government a time frame to bring in this perversion of justice. There are cases on record of people being charged with murder for killing the disabled and sentenced to prison in Canada. [5] This has been reported in the media. Yet those in the media today are mostly all on board this judicial ship of death by making these proposed state sanctioned killings sound “compassionate” and “lawful.” To see some of them on television spouting propaganda and hogwash and interviewing supporters of killing, while having nobody else with an opposing viewpoint, is, I believe, to see evil at work. Therefore, I ask is, “the Canadian news media” biased?

“The bias of the Canadian news media not only trivializes the murder of one child with a disability, it also accelerates the forces that ensure future violence and more deaths.... The Latimer case and its portrayal in the media raise doubts that assisted suicide can ever be allowed without condemning some people with disabilities to an unrequested death.”
Prof. Dick Sobsey, University of Alberta Abuse and Disability Project

“As two individuals living with severe disabilities due to spinal muscular atrophy, the government's Bill C-14 Medical Assistance in Dying has left us apprehensive and concerned both for ourselves and for our fellow Canadians living with disabilities.”
Pieter Harsevoort and James Schutten. May 24, 2016, Hamilton Spectator

In closing, I believe it is imperative that this proposed killing be stopped, its planners and promoters arrested, and the Notwithstanding Clause used.

Stephen J. Gray
June 7, 2016.


Articles of interest below:

“The Deadly Problems Surrounding Bill C-14”
Family Physician in Vancouver BC

“It is not surprising that many Canadians are concerned about the dangers of the new assisted suicide and euthanasia bill, C-14. What is really not credible is how the word-benders who used the Charter "right to life" to legalize the intentional suicide or killing of some patients are now protesting that they have been cheated of total victory. While they were in court, they said that all they wanted was for competent consenting adults who were suffering terribly at the end of life to be able to have a doctor kill them, with no criminal consequences for anyone. Now they are hopping mad that non-adults and those who are mentally incompetent, those unable to consent, those whose suffering is purely psychological, and those with years to live just might be excluded. They don't have to worry. The same semantic ju-jitsu which delivered the Carter decision to them will have no problem convincing the courts to invite whoever else to the death party.” Dr. Will Johnston, 04/22/2016, Huffington Post.
[Read full article at link below]


Sunday, June 5, 2016

Has Canada Become Depraved, Degenerate, and Debauched Under “The Rule of Law”?

“The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who, in times of great moral crisis, maintain their neutrality.”  Dante Alighieri

The country’s parliament has just passed Bill C-14, also known as the Bill to Kill. This atrocity now goes to the unelected Senate for final approval before becoming “law.” The country’s criminal code will be subverted to allow the killing of sick and helpless people. This abominable act of depravity could be described as the “work” of Canada’s “Kind” and “Gentle” Killers.

Moreover, it has been reported in various media that a judge had given permission for a man to be killed where “The court ...ruled the coroner did not need to be notified given that the cause of death was deemed to be his disease, not the lethal drugs he was given”. One wonders is this not a case of falsifying medical documents?

Still, this country is no stranger to “legalized killing.”  There are over 100,000 killings of the pre-born child in Canada yearly by abortion. Some of these little innocent victims have been born alive after surviving this state-supported taxpayer-financed atrocity, but then were left to die. And this heinous crime was covered up by those in positions of power. This is described as “The Slaughter, The Killings and The Coverup in Canada,” or “Canada’s Charnel Houses”

If you are shocked at this information, don’t be. The House of “Democracy” called “parliament” in this country doesn’t even want to know when life begins, so why would they care if human life is slaughtered? Should these people be really called “right honourable” and “honourable”?
Therefore, one has to ask, based on the evidence available, Does “Political Evil Rule”? and “Are Politicians Afraid to Discuss When Life Begins”?

I believe the hypocrisy of most of these people, past and present, masquerading as “parliamentarians” are a scandal to this country. I also believe most of them have no shame, no ethics and no principles. The evidence of their cowardly silence or incompetence is available for all to see.  Canada’s highest honour, The Order of Canada, was even given to an abortionist.  That shows where many of their “heads” and “values” are! Before the last election, I asked this question, “Are Three Ethically and Morally Challenged ‘Leaders’ Running for Election In Canada?”

Oh well, let’s “lighten up a little,” at least we have parades of “pride” in this country where some of the participants have been known to walk and cavort naked. Obscenity in public used to be a crime in this country, but it appears some are granted special status. After all, how can you prosecute people for marching naked when some “honourable rulers” are leading these parades? 

“Trudeau will be 1st prime minister to march in Toronto's Pride parade”

These exhibitions of naked flesh have also been known to be led by police chiefs, politicians and other dignitaries. The spectacles get gushing coverage on the evening “news.” And the “newspapers” also give blanket coverage, one even called these naked displays “family friendly.”  Are we living in “The Collapsed Society”? or perhaps “The Doomed Society”?

But never mind, this land has a “Charter of Rights and Freedoms” and the “esteemed judiciary” are on record as saying orgies are okay as long as no “harm” is done.

The Daily Xtra of January 4, 2006, had this headline: “Supreme Court okays sex clubs, orgies”
The Vancouver Sun of December 22, 2005 had this headline: “Swingers clubs okay, top court rules”

Well hey, the Charter is a “living tree.” Has its rotten fruit debauched the country? Nearly anything can be found as a “right” in this disastrous document. And if something cannot be found then the judges just “read in” their solution, by putting their imagination to work. This could be called the “Charter Disease.” Or dare one say it, “Oh Canada Our Home and Perverted Land”?

Still, no doubt there are those that think this land is not perverted and that it is ruled by law. Take a moment to laugh. Ha, Ha, Ha, Ho, Ho, Ho, Ho, guffaw until your heart’s content. “Ruled by Law”—really? Where is the “rule of law” when nine appointed unelected judges can dictate to the elected government and instruct them to bring in a Bill to legalize murder? And then, after leaving “parliament,” the Bill to Kill goes to appointed unelected senators for approval. I believe this travesty should be called, “Judicial approved Murder Comes to Canada.”

“Absolute power, in Lord Acton’s aphorism corrupts absolutely and the Supreme Court is now absolutely corrupt” –Robert Ivan Martin, Page 178, in his book
The Most Dangerous Branch: How the Supreme Court of Canada Has Undermined Our Law and Our Democracy

One could go on and on with examples of a country that seem to be unaware, or in a stupor, that it is being led and has been led by  so called “leaders” and their followers, who appear to be suffering from dangerous delusions. Therefore, I ask, “Have Our ‘Rulers’ Gone Mad”?

When illegality rules by law. The rule of reason must withdraw.” - Goethe

What will be the next insanity perpetrated into “law” by the “mad hatters” in positions of power? We can read (written a few years ago, with examples) “How to Corrupt, Pervert, and Subvert a Country ‘Legally’” to get some insight.
What will it take before the people are pushed to their limits, or are they too far gone in their docility? Still, even a worm will turn eventually. What will be the catalyst that turns disgust into action? Every action has a reaction as the saying goes. What will the reaction be when a once civilized society finally realizes democracy no longer exists?

Therefore, in closing, based on the evidence available I ask, “Has Canada Become Depraved, Degenerate and Debauched Under “The Rule of Law”?

“There is no nonsense so gross that society will not, at some time, make a doctrine of it and defend it with every weapon of communal stupidity.” - Robertson Davies

Stephen J. Gray
June 5, 2016.

Articles of interest at links below: