Monday, September 24, 2018

Is Iran Next...?

Is Iran next to be invaded, and reduced to smoking rubble?
By the warmongers that plan all the war-making trouble
They have already destroyed a number of lands
And numerous bodies and blood stain the desert sands

Iraq, Libya, Syria and some other countries too
Are now in chaos, because that’s what war criminals do
Millions are dead, and millions are refugees
While many others drown, and die in un-friendly seas

Millions are homeless their houses destroyed
The perpetrators of these acts are of sympathy devoid
In a world of justice these criminals would be punished
And in secure prisons they would forever languish

These demons of war that destroy countries today
Sit in the seats of power and with murder get away
They are the unctuous hypocrites that spout “rule of law”
And some of their grovelling followers hold them in “awe”

What kind of evil resides in the hearts of murderous women/men?
That causes them to obey obscene orders, again and again
Bombing and killing, destroying and maiming
Setting countries on fire and deliberately inflaming

Countries where the inhabitants once lived, peacefully
Many had homes and jobs and lived serenely
Then the plotters and planners undermined their society
Agents and war criminals with no ethics or propriety

Is all the aforementioned, what is planned for Iran?
An illegal invasion; and is that the plotters plan?
The same modus operandi, with the same terrible effects
That destroyed a number of other countries: Is Iran next?

Stephen J. Gray
September 24, 2018.

Links of interest below:

Saturday, September 22, 2018

The Slaughter in Yemen

They are slaughtering children in Yemen
The weapons supplied by political demons
Dressed in expensive suits and dresses
These villains support these bloody excesses

Others in uniforms in a coalition of carnage
They are the ones that plot all the damage
They also guide the missiles into the victims
“Soldiers” of evil: and death is their dictum

The silence of the powerful on these war crimes
Is the silence of the guilty that need to do hard time
They are the ones that sell death and destruction
Profiteers from hell that get hellish satisfaction

Some have right honourable and honourable to their names
These “people” have no ethics, or morals, or any shame
They even dance with the buyers of the weapons they sell
While the country of Yemen becomes a living hell

Children still alive are dying of disease and Cholera
Others are starving and famine has become regular
Yemen is a monstrous crime against humanity
Can anyone stop this evil and terrible atrocities’?

The war perverts in power are accessories after the fact
They supply the weapons and the coalition attacks
They are all war criminals and this is their dirty mission
They are responsible for slaughtering children in Yemen

Stephen J. Gray
September 22, 2018.

Links of interest below:

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Despite all the Evidence...

“We have to ask ourselves how it can be that the world’s worse criminals—people responsible for the death and displacement of millions of peoples—occupy high office...?” Paul Craig Roberts. The Unz Review, March 9, 2016.

Despite all the evidence of criminality by past and present, so-called “world leaders” in the bombing, killing, and destroying a number of countries, these war criminals are Free. Their helpers in their planned crimes against humanity are most of the corporate media, the uniformed generals, think tanks, and the suppliers of the hellish weapons that have decimated countries and reduced them to rubble.

Based on multiple sources of evidence, one could come to the conclusion that gangsters are in control. You can see them preening and posturing on the world stage, impeccably dressed, feted and acclaimed by some of their partners in crime, and lauded as “statesmen” and as “eminent persons.” They give speeches at thousands of dollars a speech to some of those who have profited from their decisions. Some of them even write books on their roles in corrupting the world, only they don’t use the word corrupting. They use words like “bringing democracy” and “responsibility to protect.” I believe it is the people everywhere who need protection from these international gangsters who start wars based on lies and cause death and destruction world wide. These are the “respectable” war criminals too big to jail, too big too prosecute, and too powerful to arrest because they run and control the system called “democracy.” They could be called, “The International Community of Gangsters.”

These gangsters even finance, train, and arm the terrorists they are supposed to be fighting.

“Under U.S. law it is illegal for any American to provide money or assistance to al-Qaeda, ISIS or other terrorist groups. If you or I gave money, weapons or support to al-Qaeda or ISIS, we would be thrown in jail. Yet the U.S. government has been violating this law for years, quietly supporting allies and partners of al-Qaeda, ISIL, Jabhat Fateh al Sham and other terrorist groups with money, weapons, and intelligence support, in their fight to overthrow the Syrian government.[i]... Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, December 8, 2016,Press Release.

“Last year the chiefs of staff of the US, Britain, France, Canada, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey met in Jordan; and a report by UAE's newspaper... also mentions the existence of a secret command center in Jordan which is staffed by military officials from 14 Western and Arab countries including Israel. This command center coordinates the operations of the rebels (jihadis) in southern Syria; while the operations of the jihadis in northern Syria are coordinated by similar command centers and bases in Turkey....” Nauman Sadiq, Asia Times Sep. 22, 2014.

“NATO is harbouring the Islamic State”

This evil taxpayer funded gang has no conscience, no morals, no principles and no ethics. The slaughtered, maimed and contaminated children of Iraq, Gaza, Libya, Syria, Yemen and many other countries cry out for justice, as do their parents and the dead sacrificed on the altars of maniacal militarism. Their cries go unheeded by those in power, and this hellish slaughter by hypocrites from hell continues. There is an urgent need for present day Nuremberg Trials.

“The Nuremberg trials were a series of trials held between 1945 and 1949 in which the Allies prosecuted German military leaders, political officials, industrialists, and financiers for crimes they had committed during World War II.”

“Most war crimes fall into one of three categories: crimes against peace, crimes against humanity, and traditional war crimes. Crimes against peace include the planning, commencement, and waging of aggressive war, or war in violation of international agreements. Aggressive war is broadly defined to include any hostile military act that disregards the territorial boundaries of another country, disrespects the political independence of another regime, or otherwise interferes with the sovereignty of an internationally recognized state....”

Therefore, it has to be asked, based on multiple sources of evidence:

“Who Will Bring Them To Justice For Crimes Against Humanity”?

Who will bring them to justice for crimes against humanity?
The people who were, and are, the planners of this warring insanity
The Iraq war was a hellish lie about weapons of mass destruction
The invasion of that country was a planned diabolical production

A civil war now rages in that destroyed and unfortunate country
Hundreds of thousands are dead or maimed, and that puts it, bluntly
Many others are refugees from this created hell on earth
And depleted uranium contaminates innocent children at birth

Libya is another war crime dubbed “responsibility to protect”
Bombed and blitzed by NATO “allies” with great “successful” effect
That country is now in ruins, and terrorists are in control
The “victory” of “honourable” plotters, and men without a soul

Then the war criminals targeted Syria and started a civil war
They finance and arm the terrorists amongst the blood and gore
Then they blame its sovereign government for defending its own land
These hypocrites from hell: all these atrocities they planned

Yemen is another country where civilians are being slaughtered
Saudi Arabia and its coalition allies are the hellish plotters
Arms, planes, tanks and bombs supplied by America, U.K. and others
And the population cries out over the deaths of their mothers and daughters

Afghanistan is another country that never invaded us
It too is now a hell on earth with corpses in the dust
Soldiers are dead or dying that were sent to this awful war
And those who sent them cry out for more and more and more

War is a business for barbarians in expensive business suits
Corporate cannibals feed off death and destruction, are they callous brutes?
Political “warriors” voted for these wars that brought death and destruction
But, they don’t fight on the front lines, and they are missing in the action

It is no excuse for the perpetrators to say: “we were just following orders”
That excuse was thrown out at the “Nuremberg Trials,” and is a known disorder
Present day trials are needed, for those that planned these obscenities
But, who will bring them to justice for crimes against humanity?

“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.”  - Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Stephen J. Gray
September 18, 2018.

Links of interest below:

Sunday, September 9, 2018

He/She is “Anonymous”

An article was published in a national newspaper
The writer was Anonymous did he or she, receive a favour?
Surely, if a person believes they are writing the truth
He or She should act ethical and be a recognized “sleuth”

Instead the author hides behind the anonymous label
Is he or she’s screed of words, just a “fake news” fable?
Surely, if this person believes what they write
They should stop hiding and come into the light

It is easy anonymously to criticize any persons’ character
By creating media hysteria; and letting things fester
Yet, he/she hides in the shadows, enabled by a newspaper
Has “fake news,” got a publisher, or just a caretaker?

Newspapers we are told are democratic and “searchers for truth”
Then the real name of Anonymous should be known forsooth
Why is this newspaper that appears to be self righteous?
Publishing a writer hiding behind the name: Anonymous

Stephen J. Gray
September 9, 2018.

Sunday, September 2, 2018

There they were...

There they were, some war criminals and some hypocrites
Praising one of their own: unctuous and complicit
The media also parroted their praise and propaganda
Making a “role model” of a “warmonger” going to the hereafter

The papers and the airwaves spread B.S. for days
If lies are told often enough, then the lies stay
Truth is not present when war criminals speak
Hypocrisy and lies bring their supporters to their feet

Applauding and nodding their heads in agreement
And on and on giving more fawning compliments
People who suffered have a very different story
Than what is portrayed by the promoters of baloney

Do we live in world today, where truth has become lies?
Are the marketers of evil dressed in a “good” disguise?
They pretend all is wonderful and that they all really care
That’s why some war criminals and some hypocrites were there

Stephen J. Gray
September 2, 2018.

Links of interest below:
“Congress Votes To Give Jihadists Anti-aircraft Missiles”