Friday, May 31, 2019

A “standing ovation” for Killing by Choice

“With reproductive rights under assault south of the border, members of the Canadian House of Commons rose in a standing ovation to affirm support for a woman’s right to choose — that is, except the Conservatives.” Amanda Connolly, May 29, 2019.

The words “right to choose” are spoken and written by the media, most of the politicians, and others in society. Justin Trudeau has even called people opposed to abortion as “anti-choice.” So what is the “choice” that Trudeau, most of the media, and most politicians advocate? The “choice” to put it bluntly, is to have the “choice” to have the pre-born child killed, if she/he is unwanted. The aforementioned words are those that the squealers of “choice” do not have the courage to say, when they parrot the abominable word “choice” regarding abortion. How sick are people that would give a “standing ovation” to such an evil act that destroys innocent human life? And these people have the title, “Right Honourable” and “Honourable” in front of their names! Ugh!

Still, one should not be surprised that most of those in Canada’s Parliament would give a “standing ovation” to the “right to choose.” It has already covered up a heinous crime in Canada, where 491 babies were born alive after failed killings by abortion. Then they were left to die. This was: Canada’s Abominable Hate Crime.”

Politicians bend to the cries of the harridans of “choice” who consider it a “right” to kill the child in the womb. Many of these politicians stand for nothing and will say and do anything to get elected. Most of them boast they are in favor of “freedom of choice” to kill the unwanted child in the womb. One even reportedly said that he would never allow a vote to stop the killing of these innocents who are unwanted. Another politician even described the slaughter of these innocent victims as “safe medical services.” One wonders what is “safe” about cutting to pieces, poisoning by a saline solution, having a sharp knife pierce the brain of the living victim and suctioning out his/her brain? Some of these hate crime victims have even been known to survive the attacks by the medical butchers and have been born alive but are left to die.

This is a country with a dead conscience. Except of course if it is dead slaughtered seals, eagles, whales, owls, dogs, cats, horses, ducks, grizzly bears etc. (and recently salmon) then all hell breaks loose if it is seen that that these non-humans have been subject to cruel and atrocious practices. (and rightly so.) Numerous written media and TV programmes will display and publicize the attacks and killing of these non-humans. But, the hate crimes against the humans who are unwanted and slaughtered are covered up by the so-called “investigative media.” No pictures are shown, the victims are hidden and this abominable criminal slaughter is called a “choice,” and one might say it is aided and abetted by these phony media who are supposed to be “searchers for truth.”

They sugar-coat the language to make it sound good
These degenerates of democracy are perverted and lewd
They kill their young and call the crime, “freedom of choice”
These unfeeling hypocrites, in innocent deaths rejoice...

Stephen J. Gray
May 31, 2019.

Links of interest below:

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Oh Canada what comes next...?

Oh Canada what comes next for you?
From this rabid ruling political crew
$600 Million of taxpayers’ dollars
Is being handed over to some “needy media scholars”

Some are CEOs and some are big trade unions
All meeting and sharing thoughts on a giveaway distribution
On how to disperse $600 million of the peoples’ compulsory taxes
To the media, workers, trade unions, and other powerful voices

The unions are funded by millions in compulsory union dues
And no doubt this latest windfall will blow away their blues
The well heeled CEOs are happy to get a big handout too
The only huge losers are the people; like me and you

We are forced to pay, to feed the propaganda monsters
Are the media CEOs and unions suffering from a greed disorder?
The ordinary people everywhere will pay, and pay, and pay
So that tax free unions and CEOs can “produce news” and play

Trade unions already spend their memberships’ compulsory dues
By funding and supporting many different organizations: is this an abuse?
This type of “unionism” surely proves union dues are much too high
Is this a flagrant double standard and where is the outcry?

Politicians do the same thing too, by squandering the peoples’ money
And there is evidence to prove that in doing this, they have a history
Meanwhile, the people are taxed, and taxed, and taxed some more
And nothing is done, about those that have monies, in tax havens offshore

 Cynics might say: “This $600 million is daylight robbery of taxpayers’ monies"
But hey, this is Canada, where “rule of law” and “sunny ways” are treated as buddies
Still, the handout recipients believe this solution for them is a good “fix”?
But, the fed up taxpayers are saying: “Oh Canada, what is coming next”?

Stephen J. Gray
May 29, 2019.

Links below, I believe, describe Canada’s road to ruin:

Sunday, May 26, 2019

A Canadian Union: Unifor is ‘the resistance’

“Heritage Minister Pablo Rodriguez is defending a decision to give a union that has actively campaigned against the Conservative Party a role in determining which news organizations are eligible for government funding...
“Unifor — a union that has actively campaigned against the Conservatives under both Stephen Harper and Andrew Scheer — represents more than 12,000 journalists and media workers in Canada.” 
CBC Radio · Posted: May 24, 2019 2:22 PM ET | Last Updated: May 24

Unifor uses the word “democracy,” yet, it is funded by compulsory union dues, as are other trade unions in Canada. Which raises the question, Is Unifor ‘resistance’ being paid for by the compulsory union dues of its members? Or is ‘the resistance’ cabal doing its “work” on its own free time and using its own money? Another question is this, Unifor probably has members that vote conservative or for various other political parties? Is it “democratic” that ‘the resistance’ is taking a position that could be contrary to any number of its members? After all, union members have a variety of views on all kinds of issues, therefore is this position of ‘the resistance’ an affront to their freedoms and should it be allowed in a supposedly free country? But hey, the union likes to use the word “democracy.”

“If @AndrewScheer doesn’t understand the connection between a strong media and its role in preserving our democracy then he is unfit to lead.”

Is it hypocrisy for Unifor to use the words “unfit to lead”?   Unions have been misusing their members, time and money on numerous non-work related issues for years. Membership in any political party is not compulsory, yet ‘the resistance’ cabal of Unifor has compulsory union membership. It also has a role in the disposition of”600 million” of taxpayers’ monies.

“The mega-union [Unifor] representing 315,000 workers across the country, including a large percentage of anglophone Canadian journalists at legacy media outlets — and also autoworkers, because that totally makes sense — will nominate one of eight people to an ‘independent panel of experts.’ The panel will decide the criteria for divvying up tax breaks adding up to some $600 million in public funding.” Chris Selley, May 22, 2019, National Post.

Unions receive their certification for collective bargaining and this has progressed into collective coercion. Trade unions pay no taxes and have a compulsory money machine to pursue and finance agendas that are incompatible with personal freedom and democracy in Canada.

I believe forced union dues and forced association are a violation of so-called: “Freedom of Association” in The Charter of Rights and Freedoms. But hey, that document should be called; Canada’s Charter Disaster.” And that is why I believe Canada has become a pretend “democracy.”

The supposed watchdog of a free society is a free press, yet many journalists in Canada are in trade unions which are financed by compulsory union dues. Misuse of union time and money has been epidemic across the country for many years. Where is the coverage on all of this by investigative journalists? Many journalists can show corporate connections and conflicts of interest down to the smallest detail, but they are strangely silent when it comes to probing union activities too deeply.

“Newspaper CEOs and Unifor union chief Jerry Dias may be pleased with the federal bailout moves, but taxpayers and all who believe that the press should be free of government control, manipulation and interference should not. There is no way Ottawa’s journalism-bailout scheme can pass any press-freedom test.” Terence Corcoran, National Post.

In closing, I believe Unifor should not have a role in disbursing taxpayers’ monies. In fact, I believe there should be a public inquiry into trade unions in Canada. For many years they have been using their memberships, time and money, on multiple issues unrelated to the workplace. I believe they have become dangerous to freedom and “democracy” in Canada. If any other organizations were doing what trade unions are doing with compulsory union dues, charges would be laid. Instead the tax free unions appear to be a law unto them-selves

"Freedom can primarily be characterized by the absence of coercion or constraint. If a person is compelled by the state or the will of another to a course of action or inaction which he would not otherwise have chosen, he is not acting of his own volition and he cannot be said to be truly free." Chief Justice Bryan Dixon in the "Big M Drug Mart Ltd." decision.

"We are involved in matters which have to do with the social direction of Canada and not just issues at the bargaining table..." -Larry Brown, Secretary Treasurer of N.U.P.G.E. (National Union of Provincial Government Employees) in "The Dossier" of Action Canada Network, Sept.-Oct., 1991.

“…the CLC does not allow members of one union to leave and join another. A union member is like an indentured servant.”
Buzz Hargrove, president CAW, page 201 in his book “Labor of Love”

Stephen J. Gray
May 26, 2019.

Links of interest below on unions:
Groups, organizations and causes that have received union time and/or money.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Is Justin Trudeau failing to “police” and “punish” a hate crime, covered up by those in power in Canada?

“Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Liberal government unveiled a digital charter Tuesday that promises to police and punish social media platforms that carry online hate and ‘fake news.’” Lianne Laurence, May22, 2019.

I believe Justin Trudeau should start to “police” himself, his party and other politicians that have participated in what I believe is, “Canada’s Abominable Hate Crime.”

Who would have believed that in the supposedly civilized country of Canada, 491 babies that were born alive after failed killings by abortion were then left to die, or that this atrocity would not even be investigated? Or that those in positions of power, namely the justice system, the leader of the federal government and most of the politicians of all the political parties would remain silent on this appalling heinous criminality?...

These babies were born alive, after failed killings; therefore, in these 491 cases this isn’t a matter of abortion—it’s a matter of infanticide: and that IS against Canadian law....

“According to the Criminal Code, a child is considered to be a human being and a person after proceeding fully from the mother's womb, therefore, based on Section 223(2) of the Criminal Code, there should be 491 homicide investigations or prosecutions in connection with these deaths.” 

But to date, nothing has been done. These 491 innocents have received no justice and no recognition of their humanity....
Something is deadly wrong in our society today when a mass human killing of this magnitude is covered up, or missed by the mainstream media. One wonders if it had been 491 dogs slaughtered or left to die—would the media have missed or censored the evidence?...

Truth has become a victim along with the unborn child in Canada. If truth prevailed the slaughtered victims of abortion would be on the front pages of daily newspapers in full bloody color. If truth prevailed in Canada the TV news would be showing the atrocities committed on these innocent victims murdered by abortion. If truth prevailed in Canada politicians and other professionals would condemn the barbarous practice of state sanctioned abortion. Instead we have hypocrisy and the refusal by those in power to act in an honourable and decent manner...

P.M. Trudeau is constantly trumpeting: “rule of law” in Canada, and that he supports, “evidence-based approach” to information, and “decisions based on science.” Yet, he contradicts himself on the abortion issue by ignoring the evidence of science that life begins at conception. Does he not know this irrefutable truth?
 Meanwhile, nothing has been done about the evidence of the hate crime mentioned above. If he really was interested in stopping hate crimes in Canada he would investigate the infanticide of the 491 babies left to die. This I believe is a criminal act and a hate crime of massive proportions and is not ‘fake news.’ So perhaps he needs to get busy and “punish” those that participated in, “Canada’s Abominable Hate Crime.”

Further evidence can be seen in the article: “Canada’s Charnel Houses” at link below, along with a letter to the RCMP by Three MPs.

The quote below, I believe, aptly sums up what has happened and is happening in Canada:
“There is nothing politically right that is morally wrong” Daniel O’Connell

Stephen J. Gray
May 24, 2019.

Links of Interest below:


Saturday, May 18, 2019

Sugar-coating Language

They sugar-coat the language to make it sound good
These degenerates of democracy are perverted and lewd
They kill their young and call the crime, “freedom of choice”
These unfeeling hypocrites, in innocent deaths rejoice

They kill the elderly and sick, by lethal and “kindly overdose”
They call their actions “dying with dignity” and other verbose
They call this “health care,” by caring professionals
Deliberately killing people, used to be a crime and criminal

They legalize dope and make it a, “green business”
They don’t care that drug taking can bring sadness
The elites sit on the boards of Pot corporations
Addiction and other illnesses could come from “legalization”

They kill millions in illegal war invasions
 Bringing slaughter and destruction to many a nation
They call these atrocities, “responsibility to protect”
These war criminal bandits are death architects

They make laws to protect the mad, degenerate, and perverted
They operate from Houses of Power and should be arrested
Instead they have ludicrous titles in front of their names
Death dealing decadents that have no ethics or shame

There are many more examples of what is happening today
This is what happens when the perverted get their way
Ethics, principles and morality are being extinguished
And it is camouflaged by sugar-coating the language

Stephen J. Gray
May 18, 2019.

Links of interest below:

Friday, May 17, 2019

Canada’s Abominable Hate Crime

In our society today there are victims who get no justice, no protection from the law, are deemed unwanted, and are therefore candidates for killing. This killing is state sanctioned and carried out by trained assassins who get paid for their grisly work. One of these workers in the fields of bloody human butchery even received his country’s highest award for his “accomplishments.” Some in the media even called him a “hero,” and some decent people who spoke out against this perversion of the political order were vilified for daring to speak out.

This abominable hate crime in Canada has over 100,000 victims yearly. These innocent victims are considered disposable by those in power. In fact, most powerful politicians of all political parties are so enamoured of this evil that they portray this hate crime as a societal “good.”  They do this by disguising the language used to kill the victims, and make it sound good. Some of their slogans are called, “reproductive rights” and “freedom of choice.”

The word “choice” is frequently used by proponents of the abortion industry. Has this industry successfully camouflaged what abortion is by using the word “choice?” After all, who could be against “choice?” But, what is this “choice” that these people are promoting? Is it healthy? Is it ethical? Is it decent? Of course not, what is healthy, ethical or decent about having a “choice” to kill a child in the womb? Yet, abortion supporters advocate this type of killing, provided that this life is not wanted. The use of language to dehumanize victims is not a new phenomenon. Throughout history, words have been used to dehumanize those slated for killing. “Useless eaters” was used by the Nazis to justify their killing of human beings. And a slogan used by abortion advocates in today’s society is, “Every child a wanted child,” the idea being that if the unborn are not “wanted,” the “final solution” is to kill them in the name of “choice.”

When politicians speak of supporting “choice,” on abortion, what that actually means is permitting unborn children to be cut up and carved to pieces, or killed by other methods such as poisoning by saline solution. Others are murdered by having their skull pierced by sharp scissors and their brains suctioned out (partial birth abortion). Barbarity is being practiced and human sacrifices are made.

Some of these hate crime victims have been born alive but are left to die.

Who would have believed that in the supposedly civilized country of Canada, 491 babies that were born alive after failed killings by abortion were then left to die, or that this atrocity would not even be investigated? Or that those in positions of power, namely the justice system, the leader of the federal government and most of the politicians of all the political parties would remain silent on this appalling heinous criminality?...

Powerful people in the justice system also remained silent.

“Last week, three Canadian MPs called on the RCMP, the country’s federal police, to investigate data released by Statistics Canada showing that 491 babies had been left to die after they were born alive following failed abortions. The existence of this data was revealed by a pro-life blogger in October, confirmed with StatsCan by LifeSiteNews in November, and ignored by the big media outlets for over three months.”
Most of the media in this country, I believe, really are disgusting and a disgrace to investigative journalism. First they twist the MPs letter and omit the 491 murders committed on these tiny innocent babies who were born alive after the failed killings by abortionists. Which makes one wonder, if they will do this with the MPs letter: What other news are they manipulating as well?...

Truth has become a victim along with the unborn child in Canada. If truth prevailed the slaughtered victims of abortion would be on the front pages of daily newspapers in full bloody color. If truth prevailed in Canada the TV news would be showing the atrocities committed on these innocent victims murdered by abortion. If truth prevailed in Canada politicians and other professionals would condemn the barbarous practice of state sanctioned abortion. Instead we have hypocrisy and the refusal by those in power to act in an honourable and decent manner...

Truth has become a prisoner and is gagged and bound by those who should be protecting it. There is an evil loose in the land and this evil allows the continued extermination of these voiceless innocents who are unwanted. This hate crime agenda goes unpunished and the guilty roam free in this perverted land.

Human life is exterminated under the banner of “choice’
And killing has been “normalized” by “expert” judicial advice
Euthanasia is promoted as “medically assisted” and “dying with dignity”
And state approved murder is no longer an obscenity...

Morality, principles, and justice are dying or dead
And power is in the hands of those that are corrupt and afraid
Cowards that acquiesce, and celebrate with perversity
They could be called “The Degenerates of Democracy”

Stephen J. Gray
May 17, 2019.

Links of interest below:

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

The Hate Crimes of The “Right Honourable” and The “Honourable”

Millions of people are dead, their countries and homes destroyed, millions are refugees. All are victims of hate crimes perpetrated by past and present war criminals in positions of power.
The perpetrators of these hateful war crimes and crimes against humanity operate out of parliaments, houses of congress, and other places of power. Some are retired and hailed as statesmen, and eminent persons when in fact they all – past and present - based on the evidence available should be in jail.

It has been said that: “The wheels of justice turn slowly...” but based on the evidence available the “justice” wagon appears to have been deliberately crashed, and it is dead and buried by war criminals in positions of power. These people (are they really people?) are getting away with murdering millions of people in a number of countries. Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen and other countries too are suffering from the depredations and illegal wars planned by them.

Are those that run the system to powerful for justice?
Do gangsters and villains “rule the roost” among us?
Has law and order become words that mean nothing?
When those in control; control almost everything...

Sooner than later, this past and present ruling scum
Should have to pay for what they have done
They posture and preen on the world stage
These evil, depraved, war criminals of the present age...

Only evil monsters, could do, what they have done
Murdering and bombing: ethics they have none
Instead they posture and preen on the world stage
Satanic “leaders” of this corrupt and evil age...

Still, these hate filled hypocrites are “experts” in hypocrisy:
The slaughterers of millions tweet their “thoughts and prayers”
These are the same people that sent missiles through the air
That landed on countries that never invaded us
Now they send their “sympathy” to victims, despite their war lust

Innocent victims continue to die in diabolical killings
In mosques, churches, schools and in countries that they were living
Violence is everywhere and in many a peaceful place
Have all these illegal wars caused distrust among the human race?...

Presidents and prime ministers are “leaders” of these war gangs
Some are retired, but are responsible too, for their past harangues
They gave the orders that sent death and destruction into many countries
They also were part and parcel of this hellish war industry...

They sell arms to dictators and despots, and say they are creating jobs
Aided and abetted by corporate cannibals and profiteering mobs
Children are massacred in a school bus in Yemen
The missiles manufactured in a corporate “free enterprise” haven...

But hey, these hate filled hypocrites have no “thoughts and prayers” for Yemen.

There are no “thoughts and prayers” for the people of Yemen                                     
Murdered by the Saudi coalition of Western vermin
This vermin supplies the missiles and bombs
That brings maiming and death in different forms

This blood drenched land is a crime against humanity
The war criminals of the West are partners to depravity
Some even guide the missiles into homes and hospitals
Innocent children are slaughtered receiving a medical...

This hellish hate is :
The “Achievements” of “Our Leaders”


They have destroyed a number of countries in illegal wars. [1] [1a]
They have killed millions of people doing this. [2]
They are responsible for the deaths of thousands of soldiers that obeyed orders. [3]
They have created millions of refugees [4]
They have created bloodstained profits for arms dealers. [5] [5a]
They have financed, trained and armed the terrorists they are supposed to be fighting. [6]
They even import and settle terrorists into their own countries. [7] [7a]
They and most of the media are concealing treason and treachery with propaganda [8] [8a]
They have committed 21st Century war crimes. [9]
They have committed genocide in Yemen [10]
They have plotted and planned a number of wars. [11] [11a]
They along with NATO have done “diabolical work” [12[ [12a]
They have used our tax dollars to pay for their depredations [13] 13a]

Stephen J. Gray
May 15, 2019.

Links of interest below