Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Is a Sanity Test Needed?

Is a sanity test needed for those that get to dictate and rule?
Otherwise how will the people know they elected bloody fools?                    
Should a lie detector test be administered as well?
Would these safeguards clear out any dubious personnel?

There is evidence today that that those who have held power
In the past and the present, are self servers without honour
They have plotted illegal wars where millions have died
Now there are millions of refugees trying to survive

These people once had homes and businesses too
Now their countries are destroyed by the war criminals crews
The past and present war criminals spout the word “democracy”
These bandits of evil parade on their platforms of hypocrisy

Dressed in suits and dresses and consorting with each other
This filth of the world is dangerous and are mad killers
They can be seen parading on what is called: “The world stage”
These people are evil, disgusting, and creators of bloody carnage

They park their asses in what is called: “Houses of Power”
They are diabolical demons of corruption and murder
Lording it over the masses with taxpayers hard earned dollars
These gangs of reprobates should be wearing prison collars

But when the system becomes corrupt and the rule of law is a farce
A person could truthfully say: “The law is a foul smelling ass”
Because based on the evidence, we are in the hands of ghouls
Is a sanity test needed for those that get to dictate and rule?

Are those that run the system to powerful for justice?
Do gangsters and villains “rule the roost” among us?
Has law and order become words that mean nothing?
When those in control; control almost everything...

Sooner than later, this past and present ruling scum
Should have to pay for what they have done
They posture and preen on the world stage
These evil, depraved, war criminals of the present age...

Stephen J. Gray
November 6, 2019.

Links of interest below: