The ‘Great Satan’and his
By Stephen J. Gray
The “Great Satan” and his
helpers are ready for another war
They have Hellfire missiles
all ready to score
Any day now he will order
death and destruction
And his helpers can’t wait,
to get in, on the action
They all are slavering at
their hypocritical mouths
They just can’t wait to take
their bows
A “coalition of the willing,”
ready for more killing
Perhaps they find it all
exciting and thrilling
They will be able to watch it
all safely in their bunkers
This gang of self appointed
“humanitarian” killers
The ‘Great Satan’ has already
killed children with drones
So what if his missiles
should demolish some people and their homes!
He will call it “collateral
damage” and perhaps apologize
As he sends death and
destruction down from the skies
This is “democracy” and
“responsibility to protect”
Who cares what will happen
and its effect?
Setting the world on fire
could be the result
As they all cheer, give high
fives, and exult
Safe in their bunkers amidst
all the devastation
The ‘Great Satan’ and his
helpers from a number of nations
Could these be the creators
of Hell on earth?
These devilish lunatics will
have given birth
To more violence, killing and
The ‘Great Satan and his mad
helpers will make the world hotter
Stephen J. Gray
August 28, 2013.
Articles of interest at links below: video-shows-rebels-launching- gas-attack-in-syria/
General Wesley Clark: Wars Were Planned - Seven Countries In Five Years