Monday, November 19, 2018

The Land of the Dope

Come visit the land of the dope
Where a person can be helped to croak
Just sign a piece of paper
And you can be sent to meet your Maker
Here in the land of the dope

Come visit the land of the dope
A land where pot is legally smoked
You can buy it here and there
And its fumes fill the air
It stinks in the land of the dope

Come visit the land of the dope
Be careful you don’t get groped
By a “rock star” and a “laddie”
That allegedly grabs bodies
Here in the land of the dope

Come visit the land of the dope
Where it’s easy to elope
Where people march naked
And the same sex get mated
Here in the land of the dope

Come visit the land of the dope
Where there is plenty of soap
A land that is sunny and “clean”
And promotes the obscene
Here in the land of the dope

Come visit the land of the dope
Where people are trying to cope
Where there are multiple genders
And it’s very hard to remember
Who’s who in the land of the dope

Come visit the land of the dope
Where people try not to mope
Millions of their tax dollars are given away
Without them having a say
But hey, this is the land of the dope

Come visit the land of the dope
Where many are trying to cope
Hundreds of thousands need food banks
Are they ruled by a silly mountebank?
Here in the land of the dope

Come visit the land of the dope
Where many have no hope
There are thousands living on the streets
And many others cannot afford houses because prices are too steep
Come see, and visit the land of the dope

Come visit the land of the dope
A land that gives some people “hope”
Many were told to come in a welcoming tweet
Now thousands are illegally coming to fill the streets
And coming to stay in the land of the dope

Come visit the land of the dope
Where illegals are put up in hotels
But the country’s homeless are less swell
They live on the streets
On hard dirt or concrete
Still, this is the land of the dope

Come visit the land of the dope
And don’t just say, “nope”
This is a sunny land
Where perversity is grand
Because this is the land of the dope

Stephen J. Gray
November 19, 2018.