Monday, November 25, 2019

Has Canada Become Corrupt?

“Despotic power is always accompanied by corruption of morality.” Lord Acton

The Charter:
The word-manipulating media elites trumpet and propagandize that the “people love the charter.” The politicians pompously tell everyone “how great” the charter is, and that no one will be able to “cherry pick rights” from it. The judges say it is a “living tree” and the people have to live with the rotten fruit it produces.

Then from the “living tree” come the great new “rights” found in the charter.
An abortionist who consistently broke the law was finally given clearance to ply his abominable trade of killing the child in the womb, after a majority of judges struck down the abortion law. Now the country has no law on abortion and the killing of the innocents is declared a “choice.”

Another judge declares that anyone arriving on the shores of the country, be they criminals, terrorists, drug dealers or whatever, have “rights” under the charter.

Another judge states that criminals are “morally worthy” to vote.

Another “learned” judge has a hallucination and “reads in” words not written in the Charter.

A judicial threesome then “discovers” a “right” in the Charter that men can “marry” men and that women can “marry” women. The politicians then tell the people that under the charter “same-sex marriage” is a “right.” Of course this nonsense was never in the Charter, but what’s a big lie amongst the elites....

Canada’s Abominable Hate Crime:
This abominable hate crime in Canada has over 100,000 victims yearly. These innocent victims are considered disposable by those in power. In fact, most powerful politicians of all political parties are so enamoured of this evil that they portray this hate crime as a societal “good.”  They do this by disguising the language used to kill the victims, and make it sound good. Some of their slogans are called, “reproductive rights” and “freedom of choice.”...

Human life is exterminated under the banner of “choice’
And killing has been “normalized” by “expert” judicial advice
Euthanasia is promoted as “medically assisted” and “dying with dignity”
And state approved murder is no longer an obscenity...

Morality, principles, and justice are dying or dead
And power is in the hands of those that are corrupt and afraid
Cowards that acquiesce, and celebrate with perversity
They could be called “The Degenerates of Democracy”...

Unifor uses the word “democracy,” yet, it is funded by compulsory union dues, as are other trade unions in Canada. Which raises the question, Is Unifor ‘resistance’ being paid for by the compulsory union dues of its members? Or is ‘the resistance’ cabal doing its “work” on its own free time and using its own money? Another question is this, Unifor probably has members that vote conservative or for various other political parties? Is it “democratic” that ‘the resistance’ is taking a position that could be contrary to any number of its members? After all, union members have a variety of views on all kinds of issues, therefore is this position of ‘the resistance’ an affront to their freedoms and should it be allowed in a supposedly free country? But hey, the union likes to use the word “democracy.”...

The loss of personal freedoms in Canada had its roots in a decision by an appointed Supreme Court judge. His name was Ivan C. Rand. This judge was the instigator of compulsory union dues by a decision he made in 1946, this was known as “The Rand Decision.” A person did not have to “belong” to the union but must pay union dues for collective bargaining.

Now collective bargaining has evolved into collective coercion, and compulsory union dues are being used by the trade unions for all kinds of causes and policies unrelated to the workplace. Some of these issues are as follows: abortion clinics, so-called same-sex marriage, socialism, the abortionist, Morgentaler, National Action Committee on the Status of Women and numerous other organizations unrelated to collective bargaining. Trade union leaders keep insisting that these non-workplace issues are decided “democratically” at conventions. Which begs the question: How can one have COMPULSORY democracy: when the so-called Charter of Rights and Freedoms lists, “freedom of association” as a “fundamental freedom?”...

"Freedom can primarily be characterized by the absence of coercion or constraint. If a person is compelled by the state or the will of another to a course of action or inaction which he would not otherwise have chosen, he is not acting of his own volition and he cannot be said to be truly free." Chief Justice Bryan Dixon in the "Big M Drug Mart Ltd." decision.

“It cannot be stressed enough that the coercion which unions have been permitted to exercise contrary to all principles of freedom under the law is primarily the coercion of fellow workers” (F. A. Hayek, The Constitution of Liberty).

The Rand Decision:
The architect of compulsory union dues in Canada was an appointed judge: Mr. Justice Ivan C. Rand....
This decision by Justice Rand was eventually enacted into labour legislation across Canada. Now over 30% of the workforce are compelled into financing and supporting--with their compulsory union dues--socialism, same-sex marriage, abortion clinics, and numerous other issues unrelated to the workplace....

"We are involved in matters which have to do with the social direction of Canada and not just issues at the bargaining table..." -Larry Brown, Secretary Treasurer of N.U.P.G.E. (National Union of Provincial Government Employees) in "The Dossier" of Action Canada Network, Sept.-Oct., 1991.

Judicial Approved Murder:
I believe the laws of Canada have been subverted by those who are supposed to uphold the law. Nine unelected judges of the Supreme Court of Canada have declared persons can be killed. They gave the elected government a time frame to bring in this perversion of justice. The government of the day set up a committee to decide who could be killed and their recommendations were published recently....
I believe what we are seeing in Canada is a perversion of law and justice by those in positions of power. Unelected judges are dictating to elected politicians. The politicians who sit in Parliament have allowed the unelected judiciary to give them an ultimatum to approve killing. Therefore, I believe the question must be asked: What is the point in voting for politicians when judges can dictate that people can be murdered by people in the medical system?...

“The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who, in times of great moral crisis, maintain their neutrality.”  Dante Alighieri

Has Canada Become...?
The country’s parliament has just passed Bill C-14, also known as the Bill to Kill. This atrocity now goes to the unelected Senate for final approval before becoming “law.” The country’s criminal code will be subverted to allow the killing of sick and helpless people. This abominable act of depravity could be described as the “work” of Canada’s “Kind” and “Gentle” Killers....
Moreover, it has been reported in various media that a judge had given permission for a man to be killed where “The court ...ruled the coroner did not need to be notified given that the cause of death was deemed to be his disease, not the lethal drugs he was given”. One wonders is this not a case of falsifying medical documents?...

“Absolute power, in Lord Acton’s aphorism corrupts absolutely and the Supreme Court is now absolutely corrupt” –Robert Ivan Martin, Page 178, in his book
The Most Dangerous Branch: How the Supreme Court of Canada Has Undermined Our Law and Our Democracy

Stephen J. Gray
November 25, 2019.